• The Cambodian Center for Human Rights supports the principle of LGBT people

    • Released Date: 21-Jun-2011

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights commends the agreement on the Yogyakarta principles by the UN Human Rights Council, which focus on sexual orientation and gender identity, and supports equal rights for every individual, regardless of sexual orie

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  • In Cambodia, gay bar attacked, police want bribe

    • Released Date: 04-Jun-2011

    The gay-friendly Rainbow Bar in Phnom Penhs Daun Penh quarter was attacked on Sunday morning, 15 May, by homophobic neighbours, leaving several staff members and clients badly injured and causing damage to the establishment. According to witnesses, t

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  • The group of LGBT people demands the doctors to understand their rights and sexual health

    • Released Date: 13-May-2011

    The group of MSM and LGBT people said that they feel some Cambodian doctors discriminate for giving health care service to the people who are at high risk of HIV infection and sexually-transmitted diseases.

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  • In Cambodia, gays take refuge in their own ’town’

    • Released Date: 26-Nov-2010

    Beoung Kak 2, one of Phnom Penhs omnipresent slums, has become Cambodia’s first gay town. Almost all inhabitants are homosexual men, that fled from discrimination and exclusion from society. Since 2004, the number of out homosexuals in Phnom Penh has

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  • Cambodia’s first gay town

    • Released Date: 12-Nov-2010

    PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Along the train tracks in one of Phnom Penh’s ubiquitous slums, the noise never stops and everything is changing. Longtime residents are fearful that they’ll soon have to move. This place isn’t safe anymore, they say. It isn’t

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  • Cambodia’s first gay town

    • Released Date: 12-Nov-2010

    Cambodias first gay town in emerging in Phnom Penhs slums, hosting LGBT people that flee from discrimination and social exclusion. They live in poor conditions, many work in prositution to survive.

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  • Little support for LGBT: study

    • Released Date: 01-Oct-2010

    HENG Sreyleang, a lesbian living in Battambang province, says she has no recourse to challenge her parents, who intend for her to marry a man.[How] is it that my parents can force me to get married without society or the authorities punishing them? I

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  • Same same... but married

    • Released Date: 22-Sep-2010

    Same-sex marriage is not legalized in Cambodia and will not be addressed by the government in the near future. THe LGBT community and its prominent spokesperson, transgender TV star Popy, however, argue that everyone should be allowed to marry the pe

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  • Two women are determined to be a couple

    • Released Date: 11-Sep-2009

    Chou Heng and Loeng Poarv are determined to be together, despite the resistance of their families, which disowned by their families.

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  • Survivors shatter taboos: being a homosexual under the Khmer Rouge regime

    • Released Date: 02-Jul-2008

    Sou Sotheavy, 68, was married by force under the Khmer Rouge regime, but managed to sustain sexual relationships with men, sometimes out of desire, and sometimes out of necessity.

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  • Guernsey gay age of consent lowered to 16

    • Released Date: 25-Mar-2002

    The homosexual age of sexual consent in Guernsey will be lowered to 16-years-old, politicians have agreed.

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