• Elton John won an Oscar but Janelle Monáe Billy Porter stole the show

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    LGBTQ people didn’t get many of the nominations at last night’s Oscar awards, but they still managed to steal the show. Elton John, along with longtime collaborator Bernard Taupin, won the award for Best Original Song for “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again,”

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  • Prospect of gay U.S. president in Pete Buttigieg thrills Vancouver LGBT champion Tim Stevenson

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    As a gay man, Tim Stevenson wrote some serious history. First openly gay minister ordained by the United Church of Canada. First openly gay member of the B.C. legislative assembly. First openly gay cabinet minister in the country. This is why Stevens

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  • Switzerland votes to criminalize ‘homophobia’

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    February 10, 2020 (<a href="http://lifesitenews.com/">LifeSiteNews</a>) – The Swiss have voted by a large majority to make “homophobia” a criminal offense. On Sunday, 63.1 percent of the voters who turned out for several popular initiative referendu

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  • Why Pete Buttigieg Isn’t Carrying the Queer Vote

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    “By the time it’s all said and done: Iowa, you have shocked the nation. Because, by all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious!” Victorious? Maybe, maybe not; still, Pete Buttigieg made history last week. Never before has a member o

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    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    From the US to Australia and everything in between, there are places to celebrate the LGBT community all over the world. Here, TTGrounds up the latest LGBT-friendly product news. 

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  • Study: Fewer LGBT teens suicidal, but rates remain high

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    Suicidal behavior is declining among U.S. teenagers who identify as LGBT, but the problem remains pervasive. That's the conclusion of two new studies that tracked trends among U.S. teenagers over the past couple of decades. Over the years, more kids

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  • London school abused over LGBT rainbow crossing

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    A school in London claims it has received about 200 abusive messages after a rainbow-coloured crossing was installed outside its building. It said the crossing was painted last week in celebration of <a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-4725766

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  • A trans teen’s friends surprised him the best 18th birthday present possible

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    Andi Bernabe got the best 18th birthday present ever. Even better, while his friends had planned the gift for a month, the high school senior had no idea what they were up doing. As an official adult, Bernabe is now able to legally change his name to

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  • Once Again, Big Businesses Side With LGBT Activists

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    Nike loves selling kids’ shoes—it just doesn’t care if they have a home to wear them in. That’s the amazing revelation from a new campaign against Tennessee adoption. The sports giant, which is still on a lot of Americans’ you-know-what list after di

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  • 2020 Most Eligible LGBT Singles Voting

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    We have announced the Top 20 Most Eligible LGBT singles in D.C. and now it is your turn to choose who should receive a free date night. You can vote now until Friday, February 14th. The winners will be announced at the Most Eligible LGBT Singles Happ

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  • gay refugee is suing the Trump administration for sending him to Guatemala

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    A gay refugee from El Salvador who said he fled gang violence and spent a year traveling to get to the U.S. before being promptly sent to Guatemala is suing the Trump administration.Several people who tried to apply for asylum in the U.S. were sent t

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  • Most Eligible Singles 2020

    • Released Date: 10-Feb-2020

    This is the sixth annual Washington Blade Most Eligible LGBT Singles issue. It began with reader nominations. From that list of about 200, our staff chose the 20 most eligible with an eye for locals with interesting stories, those doing compelling wo

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