CCHR publishes report revealing shocking levels of discrimination against transgender women in Cambodia, and urges government to take immediate action to protect trans rights


Publication : Press Release

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) publishes today - 21 September 2016 - a research report entitled Discrimination against Transgender Women in Cambodia’s Urban Centers (the Report). It is available for download in both English and Khmer on CCHR’s website. The Report is produced by CCHR’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Project and is the product of research conducted in the Kingdom of Cambodia (Cambodia)’s urban centers on the prevalence and forms of discrimination against transgender (trans) women.The Report is based on the findings of CCHR’s field research, collected through 135 surveys conducted in April 2016 in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Preah Sihanouk and Battambang provinces. The survey asked respondents about their experiences and perceptions of discrimination based on their gender identity / expression, both from state (e.g. police, local authorities and schools) and non-state (e.g. family, employment, relationships) actors. The report also analyzes the legal, social and cultural context in which Cambodia’s trans women live.CCHR’s research reveals that Cambodian trans women are subject to shockingly high levels of discrimination. Nearly all of the trans women surveyed by CCHR experienced some kind of harassment while in public spaces because of their trans identities, in most cases multiple times over the past 12 months. This proportion of respondents who have experienced verbal abuse (92%), physical violence (43%), sexual assault (31%) and rape (25%) in public spaces because of their trans identities shows that Cambodian streets are alarmingly unsafe spaces for trans women. Discrimination in employment is another serious issue uncovered by this research, with 34% of respondents reporting being refused employment, and 25% reporting dismissal from employment, due to their trans identities.

Information Source : CCHR publishes report revealing shocking levels of discrimination against transgender women in Cambodia, and urges government to take immediate action to protect trans rights