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No Court Date of Trial Start Time Monitor defendant Victim Charge Case ID
1,551 Phnom Penh May 04, 2017 09:37 AM Vicheth 2 1 Felony 799
1,552 Phnom Penh May 03, 2017 09:05 AM Vicheth 5 0 Felony 798
1,553 Phnom Penh Apr 28, 2017 09:39 AM Vicheth 1 2 Felony 797
1,554 Phnom Penh Apr 28, 2017 10:08 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 796
1,555 Phnom Penh Apr 28, 2017 09:30 AM Vicheth 2 0 Misdemeanor 795
1,556 Phnom Penh Apr 27, 2017 10:08 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 794
1,557 Phnom Penh Apr 27, 2017 09:58 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 793
1,558 Phnom Penh Apr 25, 2017 09:37 AM Vicheth 1 1 Felony 792
1,559 Phnom Penh Apr 25, 2017 09:23 AM Vicheth 1 1 Felony 791
1,560 Phnom Penh Apr 21, 2017 08:58 AM Vicheth 2 3 Felony 790