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No Court Date of Trial Start Time Monitor defendant Victim Charge Case ID
2,171 Phnom Penh Sep 04, 2013 09:54 AM TMP 4 1 Felony 133
2,172 Phnom Penh Sep 04, 2013 08:50 AM TMP 2 0 Felony 131
2,173 Phnom Penh Sep 03, 2013 09:30 AM TMP 1 1 Felony 129
2,174 Phnom Penh Aug 21, 2013 09:30 AM TMP 2 1 Felony 127
2,175 Phnom Penh Aug 22, 2013 09:36 AM TMP 1 1 Misdemeanor 126
2,176 Phnom Penh Aug 22, 2013 10:07 AM TMP 1 0 Misdemeanor 125
2,177 Phnom Penh Aug 23, 2013 09:45 AM TMP 3 1 Felony 124
2,178 Phnom Penh Aug 23, 2013 10:21 AM TMP 1 1 Felony 123
2,179 Phnom Penh Aug 15, 2013 08:57 AM TMP 1 1 Misdemeanor 122
2,180 Phnom Penh Aug 13, 2013 09:08 AM TMP 1 1 Misdemeanor 121