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No Court Date of Trial Start Time Monitor defendant Victim Charge Case ID
1,991 Phnom Penh Oct 09, 2017 09:09 AM Vicheth 1 1 Misdemeanor 879
1,992 Phnom Penh Oct 09, 2017 09:02 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 878
1,993 Phnom Penh Oct 05, 2017 08:49 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 877
1,994 Phnom Penh Oct 04, 2017 08:31 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 876
1,995 Phnom Penh Oct 04, 2017 08:51 AM Vicheth 1 1 Misdemeanor 875
1,996 Phnom Penh Oct 03, 2017 09:13 AM Vicheth 2 1 Felony 874
1,997 Phnom Penh Sep 29, 2017 08:47 AM Vicheth 1 1 Misdemeanor 872
1,998 Phnom Penh Sep 29, 2017 09:17 AM Vicheth 1 1 Misdemeanor 871
1,999 Phnom Penh Sep 29, 2017 09:38 AM Vicheth 2 0 Felony 869
1,000 Phnom Penh Sep 11, 2017 09:09 AM Vicheth 1 0 Felony 867