Case Study Series Unlawful Use of Guns by Military Officials
This fact sheet highlights two instances in recent weeks whereby military police have used guns to help private companies resolve land disputes-one on 13 December 2011 in Battambang province and the other on 18 January 2012 in Kratie province – and analyses whether such possession and use of weapons is illegal.
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The Right to Vote
With 2012 ushering in two election years for Cambodia, with the 2012 Senate and Commune Elections, and the 2013 National Elections, this fact sheet p rovides a noverview of the right to vote, specially examining the right to cast ones vote free of violence, or threat of violence, compulsion, inducement or manipulative interference of any kind. This fact sheet is written by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights - primarily civil and political rights - throughout Cambodia.
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Village-Commune Safety Policy
Introduced on 16 August 2010, the VCSP is not a law, i.e., a formal piece of legislation approved by the National Assembly, but merely an executive ed ict from the Ministry of Interior. It proposes several measures to reduce crime at the local level throughout Kingdom of Cambodia ("Cambodia") - relating to theft, domestic violence, human trafficking, drugs, gambling, gang activities and the illegal use of weapons - and also focuses on improving the operation of the police force.
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Democratic Governance-Programme Factsheet
Since the first national election in 1993, there have been gradual steps towards a more participative society in Cambodia: the emergence of the commun es as a decision-making mechanism; significant empowerment of civil society in the area of gender, human rights and electoral reform; and some opening towards a multi-party culture. In the mid 1990s the government started a move from centralised governance towards a more decentralised set-up. Despite these progresses, concerns linger over impartiality of the electoral administration, equal access to media, and limited opportunities and avenues for participation.
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Case Study Series: Activism in Cambodia, 2011
2011 was marked by courages acts by ordinary Cambodians to protect their land, their homes, their livelihoods, thier tradtions, their dignity and thei r rights more generally. This fact sheet gives an overview of activism in Cambodia in 2011 focusing on three particular cases: Prey Lang forest, the Angkor Beer Promoters, and Boeung Kak lake. This fact sheet is written by Cambodian Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization ("NGO") that works to promote and protect democracy and respect human rights - primarily civil and political rights- throughout Kingdom of Cambodia ("Cambodia").
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Fundamental Freedoms Series: Free Movement of People in ASEAN
This fact sheet highlights some key concern as regards the proposed free movement of people and labor within ASEAN as of 2015, including the discrepan cy between the treatment of unskilled (versus skilled) workers, and offers some recommendations. This fact sheet is written by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a leading, non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights – primarily civil and political rights – throughout Kingdom of Cambodia ("Cambodia").
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Law on Anti-Corruption (the "law")
This fact sheet provides an overview of the key concern relating to the law, particularly in the context of the widespread corruption in Cambodia. Thi s fact sheet is written by CCHR, a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights-primarily civil and political rights-throughout Cambodia.
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Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Intergovernmental Commission!on Human Rights
The AICHR is a step towards greater promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN. However,there are flaws within the AICHR including the inabilit y of AICHR to sanction Member States for human rights abuses and the failure to!provide measures for effective human rights protection.
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Andoung Kantout Village
The long-‐running land conflict between local residents and soldiers in Andoung Kantout village began in 2007, and is still ongoing, with no resoluti on in sight. It involves a total area of 3,800 hectares of land. Since 2007, a number of villagers have been arrested and charged with various offenses due to their prolonged role as community activists in the land conflict.
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Fundamental Freedoms Series: Closure of Newspapers
In August and September 2011 the Ministry of Information (the "Ministry") closed 39 Khmer-‐language newspapers, allegedly for holding expired license s and, in two cases, for failing to publish their addresses.
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Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) has classified the Charter of ASEAN (the “Charter”) as yellow under the Law Classification Series. Alth ough the Charter creates a number of benefits and enhances collaboration and unity between the ten ASEAN nations, there are a number of Articles in the Charter that are either vague or prevent ASEAN from taking measures to prevent human rights abuses in Member States or sanction Member States for non-compliance with the Charter.
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Acid Draft Law
This law aims to set out the regulation and controlling of all kind of Concentrate Acid that can cause harm on health and life of other persons.
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