Business Portal Statement of Principles (SoP)

The Statement of Principles is an initiative established by the CCHR as part of its Business and Human Rights Project. It contains 10 fundamental principles for businesses to follow to respect human rights in Cambodia. It is a voluntary scheme, and businesses who choose to sign pledge to abide by and uphold the principles.

There has been a fantastic initial response to the launch of the Statement of Principles. A number of leading Cambodian businesses have already signed, and many more have expressed support for the concept and are in the process of considering formal signature. As the resources gathered on this site , there is a clear moral, legal and business case for businesses to respect human rights. It is the right thing to do, but it will also save you money and bring you tangible commercial benefits in the long term.

Signing the Statement of Principles signals to your customers, shareholders, suppliers, partners and investors that your business is serious about protecting human rights in Cambodia and is taking active steps to comply with your responsibilities.

Need more information?

If you would like more information about the Statement of Principles, what it might mean for your business and how it could benefit you, please email: [email protected].

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