Details case of media violation in Preah Sihanouk

Location Preah Sihanouk
Date of Event Apr 29, 2022
Last Update Apr 29, 2022
# of journalist(s) arrested 1

On 29 April 2022, VOD reporter Mech Dara was arrested and detained for two hours in Sihanoukville for taking pictures and videos of a police operation against Vietnamese migrants. The police first asked for his press identity card, which he showed them. Dara was then ordered to enter the compound where the police were conducting their activities. There, Run Sovanna, the deputy director of the Investigation and Enforcement Department, ordered for him to be detained and forced him to delete the pictures and videos he had taken. Dara was told he had been arrested for taking pictures without permission. He refused to delete the pictures he had taken. The authorities then confiscated his mobile phone, his National Social Security Fund card, vaccination card, press identity card, and motorcycle key. He was once again told to delete the pictures and videos he had taken, which he only pretended to delete before being released.

References Cambodianess | WMC | Cambojanews