CCHR Releases “Blurred Boundaries” Briefing Note in Advance of Tomorrow’s ICJ Decision and Calls for a Permanent Peace Deal Between Cambodia and Thailand that Puts People Before Politics


Publication : Report

CCHR marks tomorrow’s ICJ decision by releasing a briefing note entitled “Blurred Boundaries: A Briefing Note on the Cambodian-Thai Border Tensions”, which sets out the history, causes and developments of the long-running border dispute. It is now vital that both​countries allow third party independent players – either international or regional – to help them reach a final resolution to the border conflict, so as to end the ongoing bloodshed and displacement of​civilians.

Information Source : CCHR Releases “Blurred Boundaries” Briefing Note in Advance of Tomorrow’s ICJ Decision and Calls for a Permanent Peace Deal Between Cambodia and Thailand that Puts People Before Politics

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