• Losing Your Home, Assessing the Impact of Eviction

    Losing Your Home, Assessing the Impact of Eviction

    The practice of forcibly evicting people from their homes and settlements is a growing global phenomenon and represents a crude violation of one of th e most elementary principles of the right to adequate housing as defined in the Habitat Agenda and international instruments. This report is the first research of its kind; it maps out existing eviction impact assessment methodologies globally. While many good practices exist in localized situations, and while some tools have been appropriated to suit the specific needs and contexts, this is the first time such practices been pulled together into a single report. The report is an important step towards understanding the tools and approaches that are required to create a solid evidence base of the actual and potential losses of forced evictions and thus promoting viable alternative policies and approaches.

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  • CCHR Releases Briefing Book for Donors and Others on the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations and the Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Cambodia

    CCHR Releases Briefing Book for Donors and Others on the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations and the Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Cambodia

    Today the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”), a non-­‐aligned, independent, non-­‐ governmental organization (“NGO”) that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia, releases a briefing book titled “Briefing Book for Donors and Others on the Law on Associations and Non-­‐Governmental Organizations and the Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Cambodia” (the “Briefing Book”).

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  • Land Cleared for Rubber, Rights Bulldozed

    Land Cleared for Rubber, Rights Bulldozed

    Paris, Brussels, Phomn Penh, 6 October 2011 – In Cambodia, rights of indigenous people do not weigh much in front of agri-business, concludes an FIDH report released today. This report is the result of an international fact-finding mission which documented the impact of industrial rubber plantations operated by the company Socfin-KCD in Bousra, in Mondulkiri province, eastern Cambodia.

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  • Stop Forced Evictions: Protect People Living in Slums

    Stop Forced Evictions: Protect People Living in Slums

    More than one billion people live in slums. Governments often forcibly evict people living in slums, driving them further into poverty and into more p recarious living conditions. Forced evictions are often accompanied by the use of excessive force by the police or other agents. This document contains illustrative examples of the catastrophic effects of forced evictions. It calls on governments to protect the right to adequate housing and the human rights of those living in slums.

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  • Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Peace Agreements in 1991, which set in motion the peace process in Cambodia. Th e mandate of the Special Rapporteur has its origins in these Agreements. It is commendable that Cambodia has achieved significant milestones in a number of areas. However, it still has a long way to go to fulfill its obligations under international human rights treaties ratified by the country. The international community should continue assisting Cambodia in its efforts to establish the rule of law and reconstruct State institutions.

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  • Role and Achievements of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Assisting the Government and People of Cambodia in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

    Role and Achievements of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Assisting the Government and People of Cambodia in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

    The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 15/20, in which the Council requested the Secretary-General to report to C ouncil at its eighteenth session on the role and achievements of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in assisting the Government and people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights.

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  • Draft Law on Access to Information

    Draft Law on Access to Information

    The Cambodian Draft Law on Access to Information (the "Draft Law") marks a positive step towards the comprehensive protection of the right to freedom of information in Cambodia. ARTICLE 19 welcomes what is clearly a serious attempt to meet international and comparative standards, with a number of provisions offering the region a fine model of how Right to Information (RTI) legislation can be effectively formulated: a public interest test, for example, and provisions on proactive disclosure and the protection of whistleblowers.

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  • Report on Forum on Elections and Democratic Space

    Report on Forum on Elections and Democratic Space

    The Report is an output of the Forums on Elections and Democratic Space project (the “Project”) implemented by CCHR and supported by UNDP as part of i ts Strengthening Democracy and Electoral Processes Project. It presents information obtained through consultation with key stakeholders, data collected from four Forums on Elections and Democratic Space (the “Forums”) conducted in Battambang, Ratanakiri, Takeo and Phnom Penh between 21 October and 2 December 2010, and comments from stakeholders during a closing workshop in Phnom Penh on 8 December 2010, where data and information from the Project was presented (the “Closing Workshop”). The Report was written with the aim of providing the RGC, the MoI and other relevant stakeholders with an overview of key issues that were raised during the Forums and seeks to offer solutions for improvements in the identified areas.

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  • Building Resilience: The Future for Rural Livelihoods in the Face of Climate Change

    Building Resilience: The Future for Rural Livelihoods in the Face of Climate Change

    The Cambodia Human Development Report is about people’s well-being. This is an in-depth, national policy analysis document. This report will inform Ca mbodia’s responses to the development challenges of climate change at all levels, changing people’s perceptions of what this will mean for their futures.

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  • NGO Joint Statistics Database Report on Sexual Trafficking, Exploitation and Rape in Cambodia 2010

    NGO Joint Statistics Database Report on Sexual Trafficking, Exploitation and Rape in Cambodia 2010

    This report is the result of data collected as part of the NGO joint statistics project from 39 NGOs, and collated by ECPAT Cambodia from January – De cember 2010. This report does not attempt to describe the extent of sexual trafficking or rape in Cambodia. It can, however, offer interesting insights into the profile of victims and trends over time, which can be used for advocacy, and to inform policy and practice. In total 39 victims of sexual trafficking and 539 victims of rape were reported by participating NGOs in 2010. A further 43 victims of suspected cases of sexual trafficking were identified, but as they failed to meet ECPAT’s assessment criteria, they have been included in a separate section on sexual exploitation.

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  • Tearing Apart at the Seams: How Widespread Use of Fixed Duration Contract Threaten Cambodian Workers and the Cambodian Garment Industry”

    Tearing Apart at the Seams: How Widespread Use of Fixed Duration Contract Threaten Cambodian Workers and the Cambodian Garment Industry”

    “Tearing Apart at the Seams: How widespread use of Fixed Duration Contract threaten Cambodian workers and the Cambodian garment industry” demonstrate that the use of Fixed Duration Contracts often lead to violations of fundamental labor rights, including amongst others the right to maternity leave and freedom of association; denial of legal entitlements such as seniority bonuses; and make workers vulnerable to forced overtime work.

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  • Draft Law on Associations & NGOs: Comments on the Third Draft

    Draft Law on Associations & NGOs: Comments on the Third Draft

    LICADHO’s comments in its briefing papers discussing the first and second drafts of the law are still relevant. As with the second draft, the remainin g changes in the third draft are almost entirely cosmetic. The third draft does, however, make one significant improvement in that it expressly mentions a right to appeal a denial of registration. This welcome addition is not without its own issues - namely the lack of a timeline and legal standards for assessing an appeal - but it is an important reflection of the impact that advocacy efforts have had to date.

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