• Neak Chea Year 16 N318
  • Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Phnom Penh residents facing the largest forced displacement of Cambodians since the Khmer Rouge era have filed a complaint to the World Bank Inspection Panel stating that they have suffered serious harm from a Bank-funded land-titling project. The complaint, submitted by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and registered on 24 September, alleges that the Bank breached its operational policies by failing to adequately supervise the Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), which has denied urban poor and other vulnerable households protection against widespread tenure insecurity and increasing forced evictions in Cambodia.

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  • Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Phnom Penh residents facing the largest forced displacement of Cambodians since the Khmer Rouge era have filed a complaint to the World Bank Inspection Panel stating that they have suffered serious harm from a Bank-funded land-titling project. The complaint, submitted by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and registered on 24 September, alleges that the Bank breached its operational policies by failing to adequately supervise the Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), which has denied urban poor and other vulnerable households protection against widespread tenure insecurity and increasing forced evictions in Cambodia.

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  • Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Cambodian Communities Facing Forced Eviction Launch Inspection Panel complaint Against World Bank

    Phnom Penh residents facing the largest forced displacement of Cambodians since the Khmer Rouge era have filed a complaint to the World Bank Inspection Panel stating that they have suffered serious harm from a Bank-funded land-titling project. The complaint, submitted by the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and registered on 24 September, alleges that the Bank breached its operational policies by failing to adequately supervise the Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), which has denied urban poor and other vulnerable households protection against widespread tenure insecurity and increasing forced evictions in Cambodia.

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  • Untitled Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodian Land Sector

    Untitled Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodian Land Sector

    We would like to acknowledge Sister Denise Coghlan, Eang Vuthy, Allison Fajans, Hallam Goad, Alexandra Jones, Daniel King, Megan MacInnes, Dan Nicholson, Brian Rohan, Sok Sotheara, Bank Information Centre, Community Legal Education Centre, Housing Rights Task Force, NGO Forum on Cambodia, Sahmakum Teang Tnaut, World Vision, and many others who cannot be named here who assisted with the research, attended meetings and offered advice and suggestions. We would also like to thank development partner staff who met with us to discuss LMAP. Most importantly, we would like to thank the affected communities and individuals who agreed to be interviewed for this report.

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  • Report on Constituency Dialogues in Cambodia, 2009

    Report on Constituency Dialogues in Cambodia, 2009

    From October 2008 to December 2009, NDI conducted meetings with its provincial partners to discuss workplans and preparations for the dialogues. The Institute also conducted refresher trainings on moderating techniques, and collaborated with the provincial partners on the focus group format and questions that would be used pre- and post-dialogue.

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  • Renew Mandate of the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in   Cambodia Human Rights Watch Made the Following Statement at the UN Human Rights Council

    Renew Mandate of the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia Human Rights Watch Made the Following Statement at the UN Human Rights Council

    The Special Rapporteur on Cambodia has only been able to carry out one short visit to Cambodia since the time of his appointment and has thus not yet been able to conduct an in-depth assessment of the rights situation.

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  • Report Finds Land Registration Program is Entrenching Inequality and Failing to Protect Vulnerable Groups

    Report Finds Land Registration Program is Entrenching Inequality and Failing to Protect Vulnerable Groups

    Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia (BABSEA), the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), and Jesuit Service Cambodia (JSC) called upon the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and development partners to stop neglecting households most in need of tenure security in their report, “Untitled: Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodian Land Sector,” released Monday. The report reviews the multi-donor funded Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), which concludes in December 2009, and considers why, despite its commendable objectives, and the issuing of nearly one million titles, many vulnerable communities continue to face land tenure insecurity and forced displacement.

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  • Corruption and Human Rights: Making the Connection

    Corruption and Human Rights: Making the Connection

    The fight against corruption is central to the struggle for human rights. Corruption has always greased the wheels of the exploitation and injustice which characterize our world. From violent ethnic cleansing to institutionalized racism, political actors have abused their entrusted powers to focus on gains for the few at great cost for the many.

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  • Human Rights Groups Demand End to Indigenous Land Grab, Harassment of Rights Defenders and Judicial Misconduct In Ratanakkiri
  • The CCHR Welcomes the Acquittal of HO VANN
  • Intimidation and Legal Threats Against Union Workers and Leaders Must Cease

    Intimidation and Legal Threats Against Union Workers and Leaders Must Cease

    September 21, 2010 - We, the undersigned organizations, are deeply disappointed with the government’s actions to intimidate and threaten workers and union members who have joined the four-day-garment strike from September 13-16, 2010.

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