• Our Voice Newsletter - Children and Youth as the Agents of Advocacy and Democracy

    Our Voice Newsletter - Children and Youth as the Agents of Advocacy and Democracy

    August 25th 2009, At the Cozyna Angkor Hotel of Siem Reap Province, World Vision’s Children at High at Risk Prevention Project (CHRPP) open a workshop for children and youth from four provinces. The workshop aims to enable the children and youth to​ learn how to be an agent of advocacy and democracy, to understand about general overview of the democratic society and to promote children and youth’s role and responsibility to engage in local governance.

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  • Application of the CCHR to present an Amicus Curiae submission pursuant to Rule 33 of the Internal Rules of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

    Application of the CCHR to present an Amicus Curiae submission pursuant to Rule 33 of the Internal Rules of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

    This Amicus Curiae brief is submitted by CCHR to assist the Pre-Trial Chamber in determining whether or not to uphold the Order on use of statements w hich were or may have been obtained by torture dated 28 July 2009 and made by the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges.

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  • Land Management and Administration Project

    Land Management and Administration Project

    According to the Development Credit Agreement, the Project aims to assist the Borrower’s “program of actions, objectives and policies designed to impr ove land tenure security and promote the development of efficient land markets”

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  • Untitled Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodia Land Sector

    Untitled Tenure Insecurity and Inequality in the Cambodia Land Sector

    This report concludes that particular aspects of the design and a lack of effective implementation of key parts of LMAP have resulted in a system that excludes those vulnerable to eviction and other land rights abuses, impeding the project from improving tenure security in an equitable manner. A recent World Bank Enhanced Review Mission (ERM) concluded that although the project has resulted in undisputed benefits.

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  • Technical Assistance  and Capacity Building  Advisory Services and  Technical Assistance  for Cambodia

    Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Advisory Services and Technical Assistance for Cambodia

    The present report is submitted in accordance with decision 9/15 of the Human Rights Council. The present Special Rapporteur was appointed with effect from 1 May 2009 and he undertook his first mission to Cambodia a month later, from 16 to 26 June 2009. Given the lack of time to conduct an in-depth assessment of the situation of human rights in the country so as to be able to report about it in a credible manner, the Special Rapporteur decided that he would focus his first mission on familiarizing himself with the complex realities of the country, to re-establish conditions for a fruitful dialogue with the Government on human rights issues of concern, and to look for ways to strengthen cooperation between the Government, civil society representatives and the international community around these issues.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    This report is prepared pursuant to resolution 9,15 of the Human Rights Council, in which it requested the Secretary-General to report to the Council at its twelfth session on the role and achievements of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in assisting the Government and the people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights.

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  • Electoral Reform in Cambodia Workshop Report

    Electoral Reform in Cambodia Workshop Report

    This workshop represented the culmination of a broader electoral reform initiative, which involved in-depth consultations with approximately 150 repre sentatives from a diverse cross-section of society on the quality of the election process in Cambodia.

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  • Electoral Reform in Cambodia Program Consultations Report

    Electoral Reform in Cambodia Program Consultations Report

    Despite the number and diversity of the people contributing to this project, the assessments and suggestions were largely uniform. Whether a commune c ouncilor, NGO leader, or journalist, or whether from the ruling party or opposition, people were surprisingly consistent in their remarks.

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  • Enhancing Independent Media in Cambodia

    Enhancing Independent Media in Cambodia

    This report comprises the first phase of the CCIM’s project “Enhancing Independent Media in Cambodia” with generous funding from the European Union. I t aims to identify, analyze, and offer solutions to the ethical dilemmas facing Cambodian journalists

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  • A Briefing note on Freedom of Expression, Defamation and Disinformation

    A Briefing note on Freedom of Expression, Defamation and Disinformation

    Since April this year, not less than eight separate criminal defamation and disinformantion complaints have been lodged with the Courts by some of Cam bodia’s highest public authorities against Government critics. One of them was lodged, not by an allegedly aggrieved individual, but in a generic manner on behalf of "the Government". These cases are currently under investigation by Phnom Penh Municipal Court Deputy Prosecutor, Mr. Sok Roeun. One of them was adjudicated on 8 June 2009.

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  • Land and Housing Rights in Cambodia

    Land and Housing Rights in Cambodia

    Violations of the Covenant are also occurring as a result of the lack of implementation of the constitutional and legislative protections that do exis t. Despite the recognition of possession rights in the Land Law and the legal right to convert possession rights into full ownership rights, these provisions are being implemented in an arbitrary manner. In effect, possession rights are not being recognised for those households most vulnerable to forced evictions because they live on land that is sought after by powerful individuals and companies. Authorities have also refused to issue titles to such households despite evidence of valid possession rights.

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  •  Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

    Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

    Ominous signs of political manipulation by the Cambodian government and a repeated failure to tackle corruption continue to plague the Khmer Rouge Tri bunal, according to this report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative. With the court’s first trial underway, the judicial process will be discredited unless the government reverses course.

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