• Conformist Culture

    • Release Date: 19-Apr-2013

    Conformist Culture

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  • Mrs. Eeun Chivorn, a Phnom Penh Forced Evictee

    • Release Date: 18-Apr-2013

    Mrs. Eeun Chivorn, a Phnom Penh Forced Evictee

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  • UN Secretary General says ‘LGBT rights is one of the great, neglected human rights challenges of our time’

    • Release Date: 15-Apr-2013

    The United Nations Secretary General Bank Ki-moon, has given an impassioned speech, voicing his support for LGBT rights, and conde:00ing governments around the world which refuse to tackle discrimination against LGBT people. In the video, posted by the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, who recently attended the International Conference on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Oslo, encourages all to be more vocal about tackling violence, and discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity.

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  • International Court Opens Hearings on Preah Vihear Temple

    • Release Date: 15-Apr-2013

    The International Court of Justice on Monday began a hearing over disputed land near an ancient temple on the Thai-Cambodian border, which was at the center of a volatile military standoff between the two neighbors from 2008 to 2011. The court awarded the World Heritage temple of Preah Vihear Cambodian ownership in 1962, but Cambodia says it also wants clarification on the grounds surrounding it.

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  • Conformist Culture

    • Release Date: 13-Apr-2013

    Conformist Culture

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  • Land Concessions a Growing Threat for Cambodia's Indigenous, Activist Says

    • Release Date: 12-Apr-2013

    With economic concessions now widespread in the countryside, international donors must work harder to help Cambodia's ethnic minorities battle forced evictions and land grabs, a representative for these groups said. Yun Mane, chair of the Cambodia Indigenous Youth Association, is in Washington this week, meeting with international groups to push for more land rights for the indigenous.

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  • Situation of Garment Workers in Cambodia

    • Release Date: 09-Apr-2013

    Situation of Garment Workers in Cambodia

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  • Cambodian Law Students Compete in the U.S.

    • Release Date: 06-Apr-2013

    Five Cambodian students from the Royal University of Law and Economics make history by advancing to the round of 16 in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Washington, D.C. According to its web site, "the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the world's largest moot court competition, with participants from over 550 law schools in more than 80 countries." The Cambodian team lost to the Columbia Law School but team members are proud that they make it to the round of 16 for the first time. VOA Khmer Khmer Service's Sarita Nuch sits down with the students and talk about the experience and the lessons they can take home.

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  • Housing Activist Accepts Award at Kennedy Center Gala

    • Release Date: 05-Apr-2013

    Tep Vanny accepted a global leadership award, calling it a sign that the Cambodian struggle for housing and land in the face of forced evictions had earned international recognition. "I will continue to advocate and struggle until there is a solution," she told VOA Khmer Khmer after the ceremony, which was aimed at raising the profile of a number of women activists internationally.

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  • Cambodian Buddhist Monk Becomes a Chief Forest Conservator

    • Release Date: 03-Apr-2013

    Cambodian Buddhist Monk Becomes a Chief Forest Conservator

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  • Vital Voices Award for Tep Vanny Helps Cambodia, Sia Phirum Says

    • Release Date: 02-Apr-2013

    The global leadership award land rights advocate Tep Vanny will receive Tuesday night in Washington DC from Vital Voices empowers Cambodian women and can assist citizens seeking justice, the secretariat director of the Housing Rights Task Force in Cambodia said Monday. Sia Phirum, speaking with VOA Khmer Khmer's Sok Khemara in a Washington TV Studio, said he is in Washington for meetings with U.S. officials and NGOs and to support Tep Vanny. He will attend the gala event at the Kennedy Center. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden are scheduled to attend. "I think that this award can help the [Cambodian] government to reconsider how it handles land issues for the people; otherwise Cambodia's reputation is in a downward spiral"

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  • Rights Award Puts Cambodian Issues Up Front

    • Release Date: 02-Apr-2013

    Cambodian rights issues are in the spotlight this week, with a delegation of activists arriving for a leadership award's ceremony. Tep Vanny is in Washington to receive a leadership award this week from Vital Voices, an organization started by Hillary Clinton in 1997. Accompanying her are two other rights activists, Eang Vuthy, director of Equitable Cambodia, and Sia Phirum, secretariat director of the Housing Rights Task Force. In interviews with VOA Khmer Khmer, the Cambodian activists said they will meet with prominent international groups and policymakers to explain land grabs, forced evictions and other pressing issues.

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