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  • The Marches of Saying “NO” to LANGO on 30 June 2015

    The Marches of Saying “NO” to LANGO on 30 June 2015

    • 30-Jun-2015

    On 30 June 2015, there was a march by CSOs, Associations and communities as part of the campaign to "Say No" to the Draft Law on Associations and NGOs. The pro testers marched from 4 different locations: 7 Makara Bridge, Chak Angre Leu Pagoda, Niroth Raingsy Pagoda, and

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  • A group of three organisations jointly attended a mission in the United State of America

    A group of three organisations jointly attended a mission in the United State of America

    • 26-May-2015

    A group of three organisations including the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), Advocacy and Policy Institute (API) and the Cambodian Center for Human R ights (CCHR) jointly attended a mission in the United State of America, from 15th to 26th May 2015, to broaden the discussion about an enabling environment for Cambodian citizens to meaningfully engage in the development process including the legislation. On the mission, supported by Oxfam America, CCHR’s executive director Chak Sopheap together with other delegates met with representatives from congress, white house, department of states, and other ke

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  • CCHR Conducted a two-day training course on the 2001 Land Law, and Advocacy

    CCHR Conducted a two-day training course on the 2001 Land Law, and Advocacy

    • 02-Apr-2015

    On 01-02 April 2015, CCHR’s Land Reform Project conducted a two-day training course on the 2001 Land Law, and Advocacy for the representatives of indigenous pe ople (Bunong), at Pichda Guest House, Mean Leab village, Saen Monourom district, Mondulkiri province. There were 20 indigenous people (Bunong) from Chak Char village, Srae Chhuk commune, Kaev Seima district and from Pu Lu village, Bu Sra commune, Pech Ch

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  • CCHR’s Land Reform Project team continued to conduct research for a land community profile at Chak Cha village, Sre Chhouk commune, Keo Seyma district and other 6 villages in Bousra commune, Pich Chreada district, Mondulkiri province

    CCHR’s Land Reform Project team continued to conduct research for a land community profile at Chak Cha village, Sre Chhouk commune, Keo Seyma district and other 6 villages in Bousra commune, Pich Chreada district, Mondulkiri province

    • 28-Mar-2015

    On 27-28 March 2015, CCHR’s Land Reform Project team continued to conduct research for a land community profile at Chak Cha village, Sre Chhouk commune, Keo Se yma district and other 6 villages in Bousra commune, Pich Chreada district, Mondulkiri province. The ethnic group (Bunong), 211 families in Chak Cha village, Keo Seyma district alleged that their land, approximately, 1,500 hectares, had been affected by an ELC rubber plantation of a Vietnamese Company, Binh Phouc I. As for an ethnic group (Bunong) at 6 villages in Bousra commune, Pich Chreada district, complained that their farm land and community land where they relied on, had been affected by ELC of several companies, such as SOCFIN KDC, in cooperation with VANARASI Co.,Ltd and SETHIKULA Co., Ltd and K PEACE Investment (CAM

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  • Training on Fair Trial Rights and Criminal Procedure.

    Training on Fair Trial Rights and Criminal Procedure.

    • 27-Mar-2015

    On 26 March 2015 Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) conducted Training on Fair Trial Rights and Criminal Procedure at Eden Park Restaurant, which was par ticipated by law students, commu

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  • CCHR’s Land Reform Project team continued to conduct research for a land community profile

    CCHR’s Land Reform Project team continued to conduct research for a land community profile

    • 26-Mar-2015

    នៅថ្ងៃទី២៦ ខែមិនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ ក្រុមការងារគម្រោងកម្មវិធីកំណែទម្រង់ដីធ្លីនៃ ម.ស.ម.ក បានបន្តស្រាវជ្រាវពីប្រវត្តិដីធ្លីនៅភូមិថ្មី ឃុំជ័យឧត្តម ស្រុកលំផាត់ ខេត្តរតនគីរ ី ដែលនៅទីនោះ ក្រុមហ៊ុនវៀតណាម ឈ្មោះ DAUN PENH AGRICO Co., Ltd មិនបានស្តាប់ពីការស្នើសុំរបស់ឯកឧត្តម លី ធុច ទេសរដ្ឋមន្រ្តី និងក្នុងនាមរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល ដែលបានស្នើសុំឲ្យក្រុមហ៊ុននេះកាត់ដីចំនួន ២០ ហិកតាឲ្យជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច ឡាវ ចំនួន ២២៤ គ្រួសារសម្រាប់ទីទួលសុវត្ថិភាព តាមស្មារតីអង្គប្រជុំកាលរវាងឯកឧត្តម លី ធុច តំណាងក្រុមហ៊ុន និងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ

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  •  Film Screening "Fair Trial Rights"

    Film Screening "Fair Trial Rights"

    • 26-Mar-2015

    On 26 March 2015 Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) conducted a Video Screening on Fair Trial Rights at CCHR office, which was participated by students, community and CSOs.

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  • 27-28 Oct 2014 CCHR’s Reflection Workshop

    27-28 Oct 2014 CCHR’s Reflection Workshop

    • 28-Oct-2014

    On 27 – 28 October 2014 Human Rights Defenders Project/Supporting Civil Society Project of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights organizes a reflection worksho p on legal training at Angkor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap. There are 48 participants from Phnom Penh and provinces h

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  • Press conference of Lor Peang Land Community today

    Press conference of Lor Peang Land Community today

    • 19-Aug-2014

    On 19 August 2014, the Land Community, approximately 100 people from Lor Peang, Soravong, Boeungkok, Banteay Meas and Somrong ville, Taches commune, Kampong Tr alach district, Kampong Chhnang province organized the press conference, at Boueng Kak community, Phnom Penh, to draw attention to the land conflict in their community which has been going on for eight years with KDC International Company, owned by Ms. Chea Kheng, the wife of Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem. The community representative, Ms. Um Sophy, announced in the press conference "We have come to Phnom Penh to submit a petition seeking the intervention from the Ministry of Justice, and other relevant ministries and organizations to resolve the land conflict and injustices that we have suffered since 2006. We demand that our lands be returned to us. We ask the immediate release of five of our representatives who have been unfairly jailed and that court no longer be used as tools

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  • CCHR + IBA Press Conference on Judicial Draft Laws 15 July

    CCHR + IBA Press Conference on Judicial Draft Laws 15 July

    • 15-Jul-2014

    This morning, CCHR and International Bar Association conducted a Press Conference on Judicial Draft Laws at Raffle Lé Royal Hotel – with the presence of Ms. Ga briela Knaul, the United Nations Special Rapporteur

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  • Politikoffee Meeting on 12 July 2014 at Sithi Hub

    Politikoffee Meeting on 12 July 2014 at Sithi Hub

    • 12-Jul-2014

    Politikoffee Meeting on 12 July 2014 at Sithi Hub

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