Koh Kong Activities
- 15-May-2012
"I am Chut Wutty". Mr. Chut Wutty was killed on 26 April 2012 while documenting illegal logging activities in the Koh Kong forest. Please join us in demanding justice for his family.
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Activists from Boeung Kak Lake block Preah Monivong Blvd
- 28-Nov-2011
The women of Boeng Kak Lake form a road blockade to protest against land evictions
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International Human Rights day
- 10-Oct-2011
Approximately over 200 people including residents, authorities, students and NGOs’ representatives participated the community forum on human rights organized by the Boeung Pram area land community in the celebration of the international human rights day 10 December 2011, at Boeung Pram area, Apil Pram Deum commune, Bavel district, Battambang province. Besides, the questions and answers in regard to human rights and encountered problems raised in the forum, another main outcome of the forum was the most of participants made thumbprints to call for the Cambodian Government stop its attempt to issue NGO law as tool to restrict freedom of expression of the people.
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Demolishing of homes in Boeng Kak
- 16-Sep-2011
Tensions ran high at Boeung Kak lake today, 16 September 2011, when excavators arrived to demolish residents homes. A demonstration by residents was broken up by riot police and construction vehicles, which went on to demolish the homes. While the homes were being destroyed tensions ran high between police and community members, in which at least one man was injured.
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Community training banned by authority
- 07-Sep-2011
Village, Commune and district authorities together with police armed with AK-47s today, 7 September 2011, intgervened to disrupte a human rights training event organized by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) and the Natural Resource Protection Group (NRPG) in Mean Rith commune, Sandan district, Kamponth Thom Province threatening to arrest the organizers if the event proceeded. While no arrests were made, officials and police photographed individuals seeking to participate in the event - all of whom are community members affected by the ongoing destruction of Prey Lang forest or other land conflicts as well as organizers of the event and individuals who had attended the event in an observation capacity.
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Event of Pray Long for Prey Lang
- 18-Aug-2011
Phnom Penh -18 August 2011: Prey Lang Community members dressing as avatars, painted in blue and green, wearing hats made from leaves, gathered at Preah Ang Dang Keu shrine across from the Royal Palace to begin a daylong event titled Pray Long for Prey Lang– the largest primary forest of its kind on the Indochinese peninsula and the source of livelihoods for about 200,000 mostly indigenous Kuy, people. The prayers was followed by a press conference and then the community started distributing Prey Lang is everyone forest leaflet at different traffic junctions where this distribution campaign were interrupted and stopped by each district authority.
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Chi Kreng, A Land Worth Shooting for
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On March 22, 2009, 80 Chi Kreng villagers protested on the disputed land, demanding that they be allowed to farm. Authorities proceeded in shooting the protesters, resulting in four villagers injured, three of them hospitalized.
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Training of Trainers- 11-13 June 2013
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In the cooperation with The Asia Foundation,on 11 to 13 June 2013 CCHR has conducted a day one of three days training on “Training of Trainers” at Orhidee Guest House in Sihanouk Ville. There are 15 participants from 8 different organizations and communities attend in this course.
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Google Applications Training at Sithi Hub
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On 19 July 2013, CCHR collaborated with GBG and GDG Phnom Penh to conduct a training on Google Apps at Sithi Hub
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CCHR TMP - Training on Fair Trial Rights - 07 Aug 2013
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Today, 07 August, 2013, CCHR’s Trial Monitoring Project (TMP), Asia International Justice Initiative (AIJI), and CHRAC jointly organize a training on "Fair Trial Rights: Principles & Practices" at ÈDEN Cafè restaurant in Phnom Penh. CCHR’s TMP provides its approaches, activities, and experience related to trial monitoring at domestic courts while AIJI covers the ECCC monitoring. This is a one-day training aiming to instill to around 20 participants from different local NGOs - with financial support and arrangement from CHRAC.
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Peace Walk Organized by Youth Group for Peace, 01 September 2013
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More than 100 people join Peace Walk at Wat Phnom include youth and people from other communities. The event organized by Youth Group for Peace 1 September 2013.
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