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  • Alleged pedophiles arrested

    Authorities in Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ampov district yesterday arrested a German national accused of sexually assaulting a 9-year-boy, police said. Deputy district police chief Moa Sert identified the suspect as Udo Theodor Symon, 57, who was arrested in Chbar Ampov’s Niroth commune.

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  • New Draft Law on Associations and NGOs Reaffirms Culture of Control

    une 17, 2015 - The draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) obtained in June 2015 (Khmer version available here) will establish mandatory registration for all domestic and international associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), criminalizing all activities by unregistered membership organizations. The requirement to register appears all encompassing and could be interpreted to apply to all organizations from grassroots groups and community based organisations up to major international organizations. Mandatory registration could have a particularly severe impact on the freedom of association of grassroots groups and community based organizations.

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  • Draft NGO Law Reaches National Assembly

    The draft of a controversial law proposing to regulate the country’s sprawling NGO sector has arrived at the National Assembly, where a spokesman said it would likely be put up for public discussion before a vote.

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  • Child Garment Workers Not A Problem, Minister Says

    The labor minister said Tuesday there were so few underage workers in the garment industry that “we can count them on our fingers,” but a unionist and an NGO countered that child labor was still rife in the country’s smaller garment factories.

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  • NGOs Meet With Opposition Lawmaker Over Controversial Law

    PHNOM PENH—Representatives of pro-democracy and human rights groups met with the National Assembly’s vice president, opposition lawmaker Kem Sokha, on Wednesday, repeating calls that a controversial law to regulate NGOs be tabled. The draft NGO law passed the Council of Ministers meeting last week, which means it will now move to the National Assembly for debate. Critics say the law is not necessary and could be used as a political tool to stifle government dissent.

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  • Despite IOM Deal, Residency Eludes Refugees

    When the International Organization for Migration agreed to help Cambodia with a controversial refugee resettlement plan earlier this year, it did so on the condition that the government furnish the refugees already in the country with the paperwork they need to find employment.

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  • Border dash for asylum seekers

    A total of 23 Montagnard asylum seekers, including one female, were transported to Phnom Penh between late April and mid June after hiding out in the forests of Ratanakkiri for months, an anonymous source said yesterday.

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  • Release of Convicted Child Abuser an ‘Outrage’: NGOs

    Seventeen NGOs involved in child protection yesterday released a joint statement expressing their “outrage” over the impending release of former Enfants du Cambodge director Philippe Broaly, who was convicted last month of sexually abusing five boys over a period of several years.

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  • NGO law pilloried by UN expert

    As the controversial draft NGO law finally reached the National Assembly yesterday, a UN rights expert became the latest to heap criticism on the proposed legislation, saying it proved that it was “not meant to serve the sector” but to “control it”. Chheang Vun, a member of parliament with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, confirmed that the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations (LANGO) had been received by the National Assembly’s Permanent Commission.

  • NGOs Worry That French Pedophile Could Reoffend

    PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – Convicted French pedophile Philippe Broaly may molest more Cambodian children after he is released from prison in a few day, directors of child protection NGOs told Khmer Times today. Broaly, a former NGO director and founder of a French school in the Sihanoukville, will not be deported. He was convicted last month of sexually abusing four boys over a five-year period. “The victims are still extremely traumatized,” said Samleing Seila, director of Action Pour Les Enfants, the NGO that assisted police in their investigation.

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  • NEC’s communication breakdown: 4 groups

    The National Election Committee has created a pair of new commissions, with one aimed at keeping relevant stakeholders informed of the reformed body’s activities and another coordinating electoral activities with Provincial Election Committees. The commissions, which NEC spokesman Hang Puthea yesterday said were created with the goal of increasing transparency, will both be led by NEC chairman Sik Bun Hok.

  • NGOs Look to CNRP for Help

    PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – NGOs have reported their concerns with the draft law on Association and Non-Government Organization (LANGO) to the vice president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) Kem Sokha. Ten representatives of NGOs in Cambodia, including the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) and Transparency International, met with Mr. Sokha on Wednesday at the National Assembly (NA). Mr. Sokha said that NGOs complained to him that this draft law could reduce the freedom and of rights of NGOs. He denied discussing the meaning of LANGO because he has not seen the draft law yet. “So I do not know how to discuss the meaning [of LANGO]," he said.

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  • Cambodian Parliament to Review Draft Law on NGOs

    The draft law would confer “broad and intrusive powers to the government that could severely undermine the capacity of civil society organizations to operate in Cambodia,” the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) said in a statement issued Wednesday.

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  • Redress sought from local gov’t

    Villagers representing 72 families in Mondulkiri province’s Keo Seima district yesterday demanded compensation from the local governor after he allegedly led armed security forces to burn down their homes on June 11. The complaints were submitted to the district and provincial governments against Keo Seima District Governor Sin Vanvuth and contained evidence that he had led the forced eviction, according to village representative Vit Phanna.

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  • Ministries to Push Vocational Training, Starting in Svay Rieng

    Starting next month, the ministries of education and labor will offer job counseling to students in Svay Rieng province as the first step in an effort to better match employment opportunities in the country with the skills of youth entering the workforce, the education minister said Monday.

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  • Women given jail time in sex-trafficking case

    The Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday handed a 10-year sentence to a woman, who remains at large, after she trafficked five women from Cambodia into sex work in Malaysia. Khoeun May, 45, recruited the women to be illegally smuggled to Malaysia in September 2013 on the promise of work in garment factories. However, upon arrival, they were forced into prostitution.

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  • Controversial NGO Law Goes to National Assembly for Debate

    Chak Sopheap, executive director of the organization, said the draft contains “serious restrictions” on civil society organizations that will affect their ability to work freely in the country. “And it will violate NGOs’ rights to participate in politics,” she said.

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  • Fresh roundup of homeless

    In the first major Phnom Penh “street sweep” of 2015, 80 people in Daun Penh district were rounded up by force in the early hours of yesterday morning, with many sent on to the city’s notorious Prey Speu Social Affairs Centre.

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  • Kingdom ranked low in labour rights index

    Cambodia ranked among the worst places in the world for organised labour in this year’s International Trade Union Confederation(ITUC) Global Rights Index, landing in the category of countries with “no guarantee of rights”. The rankings focused on freedom of association and the ability to collectively bargain in the 162 countries polled, said Jeffrey Vogt, an ITUC legal adviser. The data, which was released last week, were taken from April of 2014 to April of 2015. Cambodia, in the ITUC’s index, earned the same score as Bangladesh and Qatar, among others.

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  • Kingdom ranked low in labour rights index

    Cambodia ranked among the worst places in the world for organised labour in this year’s International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Global Rights Index, landing in the category of countries with “no guarantee of rights”.

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