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  • Bangkok Seeks Activist’s Return, Thai Paper Says

    Bangkok has asked Phnom Penh to extradite a Thai student activist who is seeking asylum in Cambodia and is wanted for arrest for allegedly giving offense to the monarchy in his home country, a media report said yesterday.

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  • Junta requests extradition of Thai dissident in Cambodia

    During a military ceremony on Sunday, Thailand publicly requested that Cambodia repatriate a student activist wanted on charges of offending monarchy.

  • Poor Health, Diet Rife in Garment Sector

    More than 40 percent of garment workers have the debilitating blood disorder anemia and only one third have access to adequate food, the initial results of a new study show.

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  • Refugees in Nauru protest

    Refugees on Nauru have said they will reject Australia’s offer of resettlement in Cambodia after a protest on the island was staged at the Australian Embassy yesterday amid reports of three-more incidents of self-harm and attempted suicide.

  • More Than 200 Deported as Census Continues

    The Ministry of Interior has deported more than 200 foreign nationals over the past two months as part of its ongoing nationwide census, according to Sok Phal, director of the ministry’s immigration department.

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  • Villagers refuse relocation

    Villagers whose homes will be destroyed if the controversial Lower Sesan 2 Dam is built will today deliver a letter to provincial authorities announcing that they refuse to be resettled.

  • Flash Flood Across Phnom Penh Spur Criticism of City Hall

    Torrential rain caused flash flooding across Phnom Penh yesterday, inundating homes and businesses and transforming the capital’s dirty boulevard into befouled semblances of Venetian canals.

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  • Painful tools exported here

    China’s production and trade of law enforcement equipment explicitly for torture is flourishing, and some of the device are making their way into Cambodian police’s arsenal, Amnesty International said in a new report.

  • Statement Suggest Green Light for Areng Dam

    The Chinese company backing a controversial hydropower dam in Koh Kong province has hired another firm to build structure and recently had a feasibility study endorsed in Beijing fueling speculation the Cambodian government has given the project green light.

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  • Document Shed Light on Refugee Deal

    Refugees who resettle in Cambodia under a new Deal with Australia will have to move out of Phnom Penh once they learn basic Khmer to continue to receiving aid, and will get only 12 months of guarantee assistance once they leave a capital, according to a copy agreement.

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  • Cambodia Australia Ink Controversial Refugee Deal

    Interior Minister Sar Kheng and Australia’s immigration minister, Scott Morrison, signed a Memorandum of understanding in Phnom Penh on Friday sealing a deal to have refugees who sought asylum in Australia sent to Cambodia from the South Pacific island of Nauru, where they are currently being held.t

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  • Lawmakers Say Constitutional Change to Be Passed Next Week

    The National Assembly will convene on October 1 to vote on an amendment the Constitution that will make the National Election Committee a constitutionally mandated and independent body, according to lawmakers from the ruling CPP and opposition CNRP.

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  • Energy minister plays down Areng concern

    Minister of Mine and Energy Suy Sem has issued a letter to the national assembly commission on the environment, offering assurances that the planned Stung Cheay Areng Hydropower Dam will Meet the high environmental and social standards.

  • Minister Says Wage Agreement Must Be Reached Next Month

    Negotiation held on Friday between garment factory owners, union leader and government officials failed to set a new industry minimum wage for next year, but a final decision will be reached by October 10, according to Labor Minister Ith Sam Heng.

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  • Commune Chief Leads Protest Against Ahhoc

    A CPP commune chief in Battambang province led more than 150 villagers in a demonstration on Friday outside the local office of rights group Adhoc after a representative of organization accused the official of corruption for allegedly selling plots of public land to local residents.

  • Deal worrying refugees

    Refugees on the tiny Melanesian island nation of Nauru have made several suicide attempts and acts of self-harm since learning of a $35 million deal between Cambodia and Australia to resettle them here, according to advocates and refugees.

  • Protests Continue at Kampong Cham Factory

    About 2,000 workers from the Chinese-owned Juhui Footwear factory in Kompong Cham province began a fresh round of protests on Friday and Saturday over claims that the factory is refusing to rehire unionists who were fired during a strike earlier this month, a provincial official said yesterday.

  • Security Guard Flees After Fatal Pagoda Shooting

    A security guard is at large after allegedly shooting and killing a man during an attempt to break up two groupS of people who were threatening each other with machetes over altercation on a dance floor in Kandal province, police said yesterday.

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  • Brands’ pledge questioned

    A letter from eight international clothing brands seemingly assuring the Cambodian government of plan to increase the amount they pay for clothing, thus enabling wage increases for workers in the sector, has left unionists and advocates skeptical.

  • ‘No cap’ on refugees

    Cambodia has agreed to take an unlimited number of refugees under the Deal due to be signed today in Phnom Penh, Australia minister of immigration said yesterday.

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