Statement by Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Cambodia
It has been an honour and a pleasure for me to make a first visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia. I have had the privilege of meeting with His Excellency Prime Minister Mr. Hun Sen, His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Hor Namhong and Their Excellencies Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Mr. Sar Kheng, Senior Minister and Minister of Land Management Mr. Im Chhun Lim, Senior Minister and President of the Human Rights Committee Mr. Om Yentieng, the President of the Supreme Court Mr. Dith Munthy, National Police Commissioner, Mr. Neth Savoeun, the Governor of the City of Phnom Penh Mr. Kep Chuktema and a number of other senior government officials, leaders of the main opposition party in the National Assembly, the ambassadors besed in Phnom Penh, the United Nations Country Team, the President of the Bar Association, the President of the Press Council, and representatives of civil society, indigenous groups and those affected by land evictions in the recent past.
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Cambodia: The Government Must Do More to Combat Torture
Between 1975 and 1979 the Cambodian people suffered one of the world’s most brutal regimes, the Khmer Rouge, which used, among things, torture as a me ans to assert its rule. In its notorious Tuol Sleng Torture Centre in Phnom Penh, some 16,000 Cambodians died horribly by the systematic use of torture by the Khmer Rouge to extract confessions during the four years of its reign. Now, the man who ran that centre, Kaing Guek Eav alias “Duch”, is being tried by the UN-assisted Khmer Rouge tribunal for torture and other crimes.
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Joint Statement on No Resolutions for Land Dispute in Anlong Samnor Commune, Chikreng Destrict, Siem Reap Province
Up to 22 June 2009, it has been three months of a shooting case at villagers in Anlong Samnor Commune, Chikreng District, Siem Reap Province by the au thorities that have caused four villagers injured, nine people were detained due to a land dipute in which until now the perpetrators have not yet been brought to justice.
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Cambodian Democracy in freefall: Joint NGO Statement on the Lifting of Parliamentary Immunity ia Democracy in Freefall: Lifting of SRP Parliamentarians Immunity
We, the undersigned members of Cambodian civil society, condemn the lifting of parliamentary immunity from SRP members Ms. Mu Sochua and Mr. Ho Vann b y the National Assembly today, Monday 22 June 2009. The National Assembly’s action is a significant blow to democracy and freedom of expression in Cambodia.
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Joint Statement on CHRAC’s Disappointment at an Attempt to Suspend Immunity of a Parliamentarian of the Sam Rainsy Party
The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGOs, expresses its great disappointment at an attempt to suspend Mrs. Mu Sochu a’s immunity, a female parliamentarian of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), at the upcoming pleanary session of the National Assembly to be convened on 19 June 2009.
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Cambodia Families living with HIV/AIDS evicted
Amnesty International has condemned the Phnom Penh authorities for evicting 20 families living with HIV/AIDS from their homes in Borei Keila this morn ing. They have been moved outside of the city to a resettlement site, Tuol Sambo, where there is no clean water or electricity and limited access to medical services.
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