Focus on Fire Safety
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT), Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) jointly organized the event with a focus on the need for greater attention to fire safety in the Kingdom.
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The Canes of Wrath
Satiating the demands of the global sugar industry is big business for Cambodia’s sugarcane plantations. Yet accusations of human rights abuses and la nd grabs in the Kingdom have left a bitter aftertaste for many on the ground as companies vie for a larger slice of the pie.
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CCHR’s Hotline in 2012 and a New Human Rights Chronology
This edition of the Sithi Project semi-annual newsletter highlights the CCHR Human Rights Hotline statistics for 2012 and some of the key human rights issues that are reported through the Hotline. This issue also provides an overview of the events that took place in Cambodia in celebration of International Human Rights Day in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”), as well as the Sithi Project’s newest endeavor, a human rights chronology.
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The Cambodia Law and Policy Journal
As part of its ongoing Witnessing Justice Project, the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) is pleased to announce Cambodia’s first bi-annual law review published in English and Khmer: The Cambodia Law and Policy Journal (CLPJ).
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The Programme Newsletter of the British Embassy Phnom Penh January 2013
The British Embassy Phnom Penh has been co-funding UNDP’s multi-media Programme Loy. Loy9 is a huge successful media brand to educate youth in politic s, governance, civic participation and accountability. Loy9 weekly radio shows air on FM 103 every Saturday from 1200h to 1300h.
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Asia‐Pacific Labour Market Update, October 2012
Provides a snapshot of recent economic and labour market trends for a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, based on official data available as of 15 October 2012, with special coverage on the youth employment challenge, improving job quality in Viet Nam and strengthening social protection systems.
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Child Helpline Cambodia
CHC receives over 10,000 calls a month demonstrating a huge need for such a service. CHC conveys the message that CHC is here, both for the young peop le who do feel ready to talk (as some young people hang up or do not speak as they are not ready to talk), for young people who are ready to talk and for those who need actions to protect when required. Calls range from young people wanting to talk about friendships, relationships and family stuff to calls from young people at risk of physical or sexual abuse, trafficking or suicide where CHC has been able to contact partner agencies or the local authorities to check on the child’s welfare and offer support as necessary. Top ten serious issues that CHC has handled are as below:...
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UN Treaty Body System Strengthening - The Dublin Process
On 28 March 2012 the Dublin II Outcome Document, the culminating paper of the “Dublin Process” (that was facilitated by HRLC), was presented to a capa city group of some 130 diplomats and other attendees at an information event at the United Nations in New York. The launch event was chaired by Ambassador Anne Anderson of Ireland and co-hosted by the governments of Ireland, Switzerland, Republic of Korea, Poland and Morocco.
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Secretary-General Approves Short List of 72 New Projects
The UN Secretary-General has approved a short list of 72 project proposals for UNDEF’s Sixth Round of Funding,following recommendations by the United Nations Democracy Fund Advisory Board. Competition for this year’s short list was stiff, with almost 3,000 project proposals received. UNDEF congratulates all those short-listed, and thanks all who applied.
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Global Social Policy Digest 12.2 (May - mid August 2012)
The GSP Digest has been produced under the editorship of Alexandra Kaasch with support from the University of Bremen Centre for Social Policy Research and the Balsillie School of International Relations. It has been compiled by Bob Deacon (University of Sheffield, UK), Alexandra Kaasch (University of Bremen, Germany), Sunil Kumar (LSE) and Antoni Verger (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
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Highlighting the Gap Between Commitment and Reality
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) Sithi Project today releases the fifth edition of our bi-monthly project newsletter titled “Highlighting the Gap between Commitment and Reality”. The focus of the newsletter is Sithi’s two newest features – a map of acid attacks in Cambodia from 2009 to 2012 and a data analysis of the latest Commune/Sangkat Elections in June 2012 – which highlight the need for the Royal Government of Cambodia to follow-up on its commitments to address human rights issues with concrete initiatives.
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