A Bi-Monthly Newsletter of Sithi Project
The Sithi newsletter is a new initiative aimed at disseminating information related to the Sithi Project and increasing awareness and understanding of human rights in Cambodia more generally. Starting November 2011, the newsletter will be produced bi-monthly.
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The Rights to Legal Presentation
The rights to legal presentation is fundamental to ensuring a fair trial and is enshrined under the Constitution of Cambodia by virtue of its incorpor ation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the "ICCPR"), s well under domestic law.
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The Right Not to Be Compelled to Confess Guilt
“This International Day in Support of Victims of Torture the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) supports victims of torture and condemns the p ractice of torture. Torture is a heinous crime and is especially repugnant when utilized by law enforcement personnel to extract confessions of guilt from those accused of a crime. Allegations of violence or coercion leveled at police erode the public’s trust in police and the wider justice system as a whole. Any evidence obtained by such means must be deemed inadmissible by the courts. Perpetrators of torture must be brought to justice after an investigation by an independent preventative mechanism.”
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Juvenile Justice: Pre-trial Detention and Sentencing in the Cambodian Justice System
"This International Children’s Day, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) would like to draw attention to the rights of juvenile accused to a fair trial. The rights and best interests of the child must be a primary consideration at all stages of the trial process. Sadly this is not the current state of affairs in Cambodia. I believe with a coopera approach with government, working in partnership with donors, NGOs and private organizations Cambodia can develop an effective juvenile justice process that ensures that young persons who break the law receive adequate support to become constructive members of society"
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Prison Uniforms and Fair Trial Rights
The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right in criminal law that must be present in all cases where an individual is tried for a criminal offe nce. The presumption of innocence requires that defendants appear before the court in neutral civilian clothing. Every defendant is entitled to be brought before a court with the appearance and dignity of a free and innocent person. When a defendant is forced to attend a hearing in prison attire, the implication that the defendant is a guilty criminal risks affecting, consciously or unconsciously, the judgment of the presiding judge or judges, the manner in which proceedings are conducted and, ultimately, the outcome of the case.
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Justice for Women: An Analysis of Women’s Fair Trial Rights in Cambodia
It is with great pleasure that I join in the celebration of International Women’s Rights day. It is important that the world recognizes the rights of all women to equality in every facet of our society.
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