The State of the World Human Rights
Human rights situation from A to Z country and the completed report.
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Health Professional Action Sexual Violation Cambodia
At its worst, the system in place to help survivors of sexual violence in Cambodia is a set of moneymaking schemes, to provide personal benefit for th e public officials involved rather than bring justice to the victims. Failures go unquestioned and for too many victims of rape, their experience within the criminal justice system compounds the initial abuse.
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The Global Witness Report Shifting Sand
With a GDP per capita of US$50,000, Singapore is among the richest nations in the world – but in terms of land it is very poor. The city state is thre e and a half times the size of Washington DC with nearly eight times as many inhabitants. Yet its diminutive stature belies its ambition. To maintain its status as a global financial hub, Singapore has expanded its surface area by 22% since the 1960s; an operation which involves extensive land reclamation and construction – up, down and outwards. The process requires vast quantities of sand. Singapore needs to source this from beyond its national boundaries and this is proving harder and harder to do. Among its neighbours, one government after another has limited or banned exports of sand to Singapore due to its potentially heavy environmental toll. These include Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. As each stops, others jump in. Most recently, Cambodia has become a major supplier of sand to Singapore.
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Children in the Cambodian Justice System
This report is intended to be a research document for readers wishing to have knowledge of children’s special protection within the justice system of Cambodia. It also aims to help improve the situation of Cambodian children by ensuring that they all enjoy the protection of their rights as given to them by the law and justice system of Cambodia.
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Statistical Analysis of the Land Dispute Situation in Cambodia 2009
Land disputes are of interest to all stakeholders, including government authorities, development partners, NGOs, and civil society as a whole. Given t he high interest, many measures and approaches have been made and applied by various competent institutions. However, the results of the land dispute resolution processes have been reported differently among stakeholders. Thus, this annual land dispute analysis report, in some extent, helps to track land dispute trends for Cambodia over time and brings evidence to stakeholder concerns.
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Addressing Acid Attacks in Cambodia
The Cambodian Acid Survivors Charity (the “CASC” hereinafter) was established in 2006 in direct response to the lack of services and the limited optio ns for medical treatment made available to acid burn survivors in Cambodia. CASC serves as the primary organization in Cambodia for acid burn survivors, dedicating its services exclusively to survivors of acid burns. This report on acid attacks in Cambodia - written for CASC by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) - considers the underlying causes of acid attacks and makes recommendations for improving the situation.
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NGO Position Papers on Cambodia Development in 2009-2010
The statements, comments, or opinions expressed in the following position papers are those of their respective authors and,or sectoral groups, who are solely responsible for them, and do not necessarily represent the views of The NGO Forum on Cambodia. While the content of these papers may be quoted and reproduced for development purposes, acknowledgement of the publisher and sectoral paper authors would be appreciated.
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Human Rights on Preventable Maternal Mortality and Morbidity and Human Rights
The present report is submitted to the Human Rights Council pursuant to resolution 11,8, in which the Council requested the Office of the United Natio ns High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to prepare a thematic study on preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights, in consultation with States, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, and all other relevant stakeholders. For the purpose of informing the content of the report, a note verbale was sent to States, United Nations agencies and non governmental organizations on 1 October 2009 soliciting information and observations. Written contributions were received from 28 States, 1 one observer State, nine United Nations entities and inter governmental agencies, and 22 non governmental organizations, coalitions and other groups. All submissions may be viewed on the OHCHR website.
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Sexual Violence in Cambodia
This document is a summary of an Amnesty International report which exposes how corruption and discrimination within the police and courts prevent sur vivors of rape from receiving justice and the necessary assistance. Reports of women and girls being raped are on the increase in Cambodia. Amid a culture of impunity, victims have limited access to justice and the acute lack of medical services and psychological support reflects social attitudes to rape and other sexual violence.
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Cases of Sexual Abuse in Cambodia in the First Half of 2010
According to Cambodian law, sexual abuse is a serious crime where perpetrators can be imprisoned for up to 20 years as well as being fined or given a labor penalty. This report is interested in how effectively this law is being enforced in Cambodia.
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Report on Current Situation of Education Curent Situation of Education for Children with Disabilities
The research and production of the report on the situation of children with disability prior to the Implementation of the Policy on Education for Chil dren with Disabilities would not have been successful without the support and cooperation of many individuals. The Cambodian Disabled People Organisation (CDPO) would like to acknowledge the following H.E. Im Sethy, Minister of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and H.E. Nat Bunroeun, Secretary of State, who authorized and facilitated the survey in Kampong Cham, Kampong Speu, Kampot, Svay Rieng and Banteay Meanchey provinces.
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Land Management and Administration Project
World Bank Inspection Panel will conduct a full investigation into the Bank-funded land-titling project in Cambodia, following a complaint that groups vulnerable to forced eviction have suffered serious harm from the project.
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