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  • Senate Blasts EU Resolution Seeking Rainsy’s Return

    The Senate on Friday released a statement condemning a European Parliament resolution on the political situation in Cambodia approved the day before, accusing the E.U.’s legislative body of meddling in the country’s internal affairs and disrespecting the rule of law.

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  • Cambodia Most Dangerous Place for Environmental Reporters: Report

    Cambodia is the single most dangerous place in the world to work as an environmental journalist, according to a new report released by the Paris-based group Reporters Without Borders this week.

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  • Draft Telecoms Law Gives Gov’t Broad Spying Powers

    A new draft of the proposed Telecommunications Law would give authorities the right to eavesdrop on any conversation, along with a host of other powers that a rights group has warned would effectively nationalize private service providers.

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  • Migrants abused in Thai poultry industry

    Cambodian migrants working in Thailand to process chicken for European consumers are forced into debt bondage and subjected to a range of rights violations, according to a new report. Trapped in the Kitchen of the World, which was released on Wednesday by European NGOs Swedwatch and Finnwatch, details the widespread abuse that feeds into Thailand’s lucrative poultry-meat industry, for which Europe is the biggest export market.

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  • Aid Threatened as EU Calls for Rainsy’s Return

    The European Parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on the Cambodian government to revoke the arrest warrant for opposition leader Sam Rainsy, with its parliamentarians suggesting some $435 million in aid be canceled if it is ignored.

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  • EU passes resolution supporting Rainsy

    Cambodia National Rescue Party officials yesterday fanned out across the country to call for calm amongst grassroots members, as the European Parliament passed a resolution demanding the government revoke a two-year prison term levelled against opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who remains abroad. Splitting into three teams, the lawmakers visited several provinces as part of a four-day national tour to discuss the party’s strategy after a tumultuous month.

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  • Charges laid over ‘forged’ certificate

    The Svay Rieng Provincial Court on Saturday charged a Cambodia National Rescue Party local official and an opposition activist with forgery and incitement over an 11-year-old birth certificate, recently posted to social media, that seemingly implies Svay Rieng province is in Vietnam.

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  • Rainsy addresses supporters, heads to France

    Leaders of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party yesterday made a video appeal from the Philippines urging supporters not to waver ahead of upcoming elections, even as party president Sam Rainsy returned to France, where he has spent years in self-imposed exile in the past.

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  • Unions Propose New Body to Monitor Social Fund, Pensions

    Trade unions are proposing a new committee to monitor the country’s social fund for injured workers, pension program for civil servants and health care for the poor in a bid to improve and expand coverage.

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  • Obama warns Cambodian youth of ‘risk’ in political change

    Speaking at a town hall meeting in Malaysia, US President Barack Obama on Friday told a young Cambodian that youths must be aware of the “risks” of pursuing political change, just a day after a US State Department official characterised the Kingdom as “a country where democratic values are under threat”.

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  • Court Questions Union Members Over Brawl

    The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday questioned two members of the Free Trade Un­ion over a complaint filed against them for attacking members of another union during pro­tests at a factory in June, a unionist said.

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  • Councilors Charged Over Fake Birth Certificate

    A current and former member of the Bavet City council were on Friday charged over a doctored birth certificate posted to Face­book that says Svay Rieng prov­ince is in Vietnam, according to of­ficials, a day after the Interior Ministry announced that it was investigating a similar document.

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  • Police in Poipet Stop Protesters Marching With Replica Coffins

    Police in Banteay Meanchey province on Thursday refused to let a group of several dozen marchers protesting against their evictions walk around Poipet City with fake coffins, saying that the props were an eyesore.

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  • Groups urge 'free and fair' election pledge

    A coalition of election monitoring NGOs yesterday urged the government to endorse an international commitment to free and fair elections, and to evaluate the Kingdom’s elections according to its standards. Koul Panha, executive director of election watchdog Comfrel – part of the umbrella group Electoral Reform Alliance – said the Bangkok Declaration on Free and Fair Elections, endorsed by election committees and groups from 33 countries in 2012, should be endorsed by the National Election Committee (NEC) and drawn upon for assessment criteria.

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  • Rainsy Doubles Down on Hor Namhong Claims

    Opposition leader Sam Rainsy said on Thursday he had no plans to apologize to Foreign Minister Hor Namhong for accusing him of helping to run a Khmer Rouge prison camp in the 1970s, even if it would help him return to Cambodia without facing prison.

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  • Sam Rainsy Seeking Deal Before Return

    Opposition leader Sam Rainsy will not be returning to Cambodia to face a two-year jail sentence in the coming days and is hoping to instead forge a deal with the CPP to allow him to return freely, CNRP lawmaker Eng Chhay Eang told reporters on Wednesday. After a meeting of the CNRP’s standing committee and its lawmakers at the party’s headquarters in Phnom Penh, Mr. Chhay Eang, a close confidante of Mr. Rainsy, said the opposition leader had no immediate plans to return.

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  • Cambodians Like Their News From Facebook

    Increasing numbers of Cambodians are turning to the Internet and Facebook for their news, according to a report set to be released on Thursday by the Open Institute, a local technology NGO. The annual research study “Mobile Phones and Internet in Cambodia 2015”—funded by USAID’s Development Innovations program and The Asia Foundation—says that while more Cambodians still tune into their televisions for updates on current events, the Internet, thanks largely to Facebook, is quickly catching up.

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  • Following walkout, Chea defender vows courtroom silence

    Following a contentious walkout on the first day of appeal hearings for Case 002/01 on Tuesday, appellant Nuon Chea’s national defence lawyer Son Arun yesterday filed a clarification of his position to the Supreme Court Chamber.

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  • Rainsy offered possible deal for safe return

    Opposition leader Sam Rainsy yesterday accused the ruling Cambodian People’s Party of launching a “constitutional coup” by stripping him of his parliamentary immunity after a court issued a warrant for his arrest last week.

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  • 'Room for improvement' in land dispute resolution process

    Cambodia continues to lack an effective way to resolve land disputes, which remain a major destroyer of livelihoods for many families, according to a study released by the NGO Forum yesterday. The study examines 26 sample villages in Battambang, Kampong Speu, Pursat and Kampong Chhnang provinces, finding that most farmers lack the documents or legal knowledge to fight for their land against better-connected companies with economic land concessions (ELCs) or powerful people connected to the government.

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