• Borei Keila residents pray for land dispute resolution

    Borei Keila residents pray for land dispute resolution

    • Released Date: 12-Aug-2016

    Former and current residents of the Borei Keila community yesterday held a small prayer ceremony asking “the spirits to soften” City Halls stand on their case and accelerate a resolution to the dispute.

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  • Land disputes plummet: govt

    Land disputes plummet: govt

    • Released Date: 12-Aug-2016

    Ministry of Land Management spokesman Seng Lot on Radio France International yesterday trumpeted a 90 per cent dip in the number of registered land disputes in Cambodia amid major strides by the ministrys land-titling program.

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  • Railway Land Dispute Escalates

    Railway Land Dispute Escalates

    • Released Date: 09-Aug-2016

    Residents from villages in Phnom Penhs Pur Senchey district gathered outside the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction yesterday to ask the prime minister and government to honor their titles to land they said had been claimed

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  • Families on ‘state land in Phnom Penh press for titles

    Families on ‘state land in Phnom Penh press for titles

    • Released Date: 09-Aug-2016

    Nearly 50 villagers living along the southern railway line from Phnom Penhs Por Sen Chey district yesterday petitioned the Ministry of Land Management, demanding titles to land they claim to have inhabited since 1979.

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  • Villagers Protest Sugar Companies

    Villagers Protest Sugar Companies

    • Released Date: 05-Aug-2016

    Nearly 100 people representing 147 families from six villages in Koh Kong province protested in Phnom Penh yesterday to petition three government institutions and the European Union (EU) to help resolve their land dispute with Koh Kong Sugar Industry

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  • Koh Kong community petitions government, EU in land dispute

    Koh Kong community petitions government, EU in land dispute

    • Released Date: 05-Aug-2016

    Seventy-four people representing 147 families from Koh Kong yesterday handed petitions to the European Union and three national institutions asking that their land be returned or that they be paid proper compensation regarding a years-long dispute ov

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  • Sacred beats secular in showdown over Mondulkiri land

    Sacred beats secular in showdown over Mondulkiri land

    • Released Date: 03-Aug-2016

    Authorities in Mondulkiri have abandoned plans to construct a Ministry of Mines vocational training centre on land near the provincial capital of Sen Monorom deemed sacred by local villagers.

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  • Wetlands threatened by coastal land grabs

    Wetlands threatened by coastal land grabs

    • Released Date: 19-Jul-2016

    The Council of Ministers has urged the Ministry of Land Management to crack down on coastal land grabbing in response to a report that found the practice was destroying the Kingdoms wetlands.

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  • Sacred site threatened by construction in Mondulkiri

    Sacred site threatened by construction in Mondulkiri

    • Released Date: 18-Jul-2016

    Villagers in Mondulkiri province are protesting the construction of a Ministry of Mines vocational training centre on a piece of land they say is sacred with cultural significance to people across the province.

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  • Railway communities protest over eviction fears

    Railway communities protest over eviction fears

    • Released Date: 15-Jul-2016

    About 100 people from nine communities along a discontinued railway line due to be turned into a road from the Phnom Penh railway station to Kilometre 6 in Russey Keo district went to City Hall demanding answers yesterday.

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  • Woman accused of leading squatters jailed without trial

    Woman accused of leading squatters jailed without trial

    • Released Date: 14-Jul-2016

    Mondulkiri Provincial Court yesterday sent a woman to serve three months in pre-trial detention, according to court spokesman Meas Bros, even though the authorities said they had no intention of ever prosecuting her.

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  • Mondulkiri ‘squatter leader fronts court

    Mondulkiri ‘squatter leader fronts court

    • Released Date: 13-Jul-2016

    A Mondulkiri woman is due in court today to face allegations she led more than 200 villagers in squatting on an economic land concession (ELC) in Koh Nhek district.

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