Details case of media violation in Siem Reap

Location Siem Reap
Date of Event Mar 29, 2021
Last Update Mar 29, 2021
# of journalist(s) whose material was confiscated or allegedly confiscated 1

On 29 March 2021, a group of three journalists from the National Liberation News website and BTV news went to a gambling venue in Chhouk village, Khnar Po commune, Sotur Nikim district to report on a news story on the gambling taking place there. Two journalists, Chhit Savy, a BTV journalist, and Prak Sok Leng, a National Liberation News journalist, entered the venue and were suddenly beaten up by 7 to 8 unknown assailants who took Savy's camera. The individuals then gave Savy's camera to the authorities. It is unclear the extent of the journalists' injuries. Mt. Tep Channa, Police Inspector of Sotur Nikom district said the local police force are cooperating with specialized forces to conduct a series of investigations into the individuals who harmed the journalists. They are allegedly also summoning the individuals involved for questioning.

References VOD | PPP