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  • Inmates captured after attempted breakout

    Officers recapture 26 prisoners from Kampong Speu prison who staged a breakout.

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  • Prison authorities to learn disinfection methods

    Training on proper cleaning and disinfection will be held Monday in Prey Sar prison’s Correctional Centre 1, the International Committee of the Red Cross revealed in a statement yesterday. The initiative seeks to improve healthcare for the 38,000 inmates and 4,000 prison personnel and prevent the spread of the coronavirus behind bars.

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  • 50,000 hectares in two sanctuaries registered as state land

    The Environment Ministry has registered more than 50,000 hectares of protected area of the Peam Krasop and Phnom Prich wildlife sanctuaries as state land in a bid to eliminate land disputes in conservation areas.

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  • Emergency Law ‘will not violate human rights’

    The Justice Ministry today reiterated that restricting certain freedoms in times of emergency is not a violation of human rights.

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  • ’ Cambodia’s UN Representation clears the air with UN regarding “State of Emergency” Law

    The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nation, today submitted a letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to explain and justify the fast-tracked “State of Emergency” law draft, which has been the centre of criticism among human right advocate.

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  • Senate greenlights draft law before submission to the CCC

    The Constitutional Council of Cambodia is expected to review the “State of Emergency” draft law soon after it was unanimously adopted by legislative bodies, passing it to the final phase of becoming legislation.

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  • Emergency law a step closer

    The state of emergency draft law has reached the Constitutional Council after being approved by all 54 Senators during an extraordinary session on Friday.

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  • AWOL workers will get no pay during 14-day quarantine

    The Labour Ministry announced that workers who were absent from work without permission and went back to their home provinces during Khmer New Year will not get any wages while being quarantined for 14 days before being allowed to resume their jobs in the capital.

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  • ‘Quarantine or be fired’

    ’’In its latest measure to contain the spread of Covid-19 in the Kingdom, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has ordered all factory owners in Phnom Penh and the provinces to make a list of employees who took leave and returned to work despite the ban on travel between provinces and Khmer New Year holidays being postponed.

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  • Trio charged over sale of drugs on Facebook

    Ratanakiri Provincial Court yesterday charged and detained two men and a woman accused of dealing drugs on Facebook.

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  • Unemployed to get $40 per month

    The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has instructed enterprises, business owners and travel agencies in five provinces to prepare the proper forms for the suspension of employment contracts.

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  • Emergency draft law to receive Senate approval

    The Senate is expected to approve the “State of Emergency” draft law right after its Permanent Committee moved to place the draft for a special plenary session today.

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  • Exporters seek delay of EBA withdrawal

    The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) is coordinating with the European Branded Clothing Alliance (EBCA) to request a postponement of the EU’s partial withdrawal of its Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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  • Three in Phnom Penh court for extortion bid

    Police sent three suspects to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Thursday for attempting to extort money from a man at a hotel in the Boeung Keng Kang I commune in Boeung Keng Kang district.

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  • Fisherman runs from Thai boss, found in K Kong

    A Cambodian who worked on a fishing boat in Thailand and escaped to the Kingdom with a handcuff on one hand, was found by Koh Kong province’s Mondul Seima district police and detained for questing on Wednesday morning.

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  • Probe launched against FB pages impersonating PM

    Ministries are conducting a joint investigation to identify persons behind Facebook pages which used the name of the prime minister. The investigation was launched after the users posted what the government deemed as misinformative content that seeks to sow public dissent against the government.

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  • Mandatory quarantine to help prevent coronavirus spread

    PHNOM Penh City Hall is ready to quarantine more than 15,000 garment workers who are returning to the capital from their home provinces after Khmer New Year in an effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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  • Government lifts travel ban after KNY

    Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday lifted an inter-provincial travel ban across the Kingdom to ease traffic jams after the Khmer New Year holidays came to an end.

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  • Cash aid improves maternal and child healthcare in Kingdom

    An inter-ministerial statement was issued last week highlighting the achievements and further initiatives of the government’s cash subsidy programme for pregnant women, which seeks to promote maternal and child welfare and improve the wellbeing of children from impoverished families.

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  • Kampong Chhnang villagers demand return of tractors

    Farmers and the authorities in Svay Rompear commune, Kampong Leng district, Kampong Chhnang province said they would continue to seek court permission to recover five tractors that authorities had impounded on March 26, after a committee had investigated and acknowledged that the rice fields the locals were ploughing were old land that they had been farming since 1989.

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