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Found: 15,376

  • Activists have charges dropped

    Phnom Penh Municipal Court dropped the charges against three land activists on December 14, rejecting the accusations of extortion and property damage brought against the trio by the owner of a development company.

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  • Gulf state requests migrant workers

    Government officials have responded to a request made by the government of the United Arab Emirates for Cambodian workers, an Interior Ministry official said.

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  • Ex-CNRP leader: No one puts democracy on pedestal for us

    A former lawmaker of the court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) called on his party members to remain in the country and fight.

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  • Police, NGOs review policy aimed for child protection

    Contents of the Child Friendly Police Procedure Manual are being reviewed to ensure it helps to protect the rights of minors, said Child Rights Coalition Cambodia (CRC-Cambodia) executive director Son Penh.

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  • Adhoc lawyer to seek bail for RT news fixer

    A lawyer representing rights group Adhoc will seek bail for Rath Rott Mony, a news fixer who was charged with incitement to discriminate over his involvement in the production of a Russia Today sex trafficking documentary dismissed as “fake news” government.

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  • News fixer charged over RT sex doc

    Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday charged a news fixer with incitement to discriminate over his involvement in the production of a sex trafficking documentary dismissed by the government as fake news.

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  • Suspected human trafficking filmmaker brought to court

    An Alleged documentary film producer was sent to court on Thursday after being extradited to Cambodia from Thailand , a court official said .

  • Assembly passes amendment to Political Party Law Article 45

    The national assembly on Thursday unanimously approved a proposed amendment to article 45 of the law of Political Parties in a move that could pave the way for former senior opposition leader banned for five years to return to the political stage.

  • Rainsy : Do not surrender to Hun Sen’s lies

    SAM Rainsy has called on supporters of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) “to not surrender to Hun Sen ’s lies ” as the prime minister “aims to split the party” .

  • Ex-CNRP adviser set to return

    A former adviser to the Supreme Court- dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) announced on Thursday his intention to return to politics, the same day the National Assembly approved a law allowing for the return of a host of banned opposition politicians.

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  • Parliament adopts political party law amendment

    Hundreds of former opposition members banned from politics could return to the arena after the National Assembly yesterday approved an amendment to the Law on Political Parties.

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  • Foreign inmates cannot be accepted

    Interior Minister Sar Kheng has said that Vietnamese prisoners jailed in Thailand cannot be transferred to Cambodian prisons.

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  • Job recruiters jailed over unfulfilled promise

    Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday sentenced two job recruiters to one year in prison each for cheating 31 labourers.

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  • Monk defrocked over child sex abuse

    A Buddhist monk on Tuesday was defrocked and expelled by the Pailin provincial religion and cults department over an allegation that he sexually abused a three-year-old girl in Pailin city on Monday.

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  • PM slams Facebook rumours

    Prime Minister Hun Sen has slammed a Facebook user who claimed that Interior Minister Sar Kheng and Senate president Say Chhum would be removed from their positions as CPP vice presidents and replaced by Hun Manet and Hun Many.

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  • Three union leaders were not involved in protests: PM

    Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday defended three of six unions leaders found guilty of instigating violence over their roles in violent protests dating back to 2013, noting that they were not involved in the violent demonstrations.

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  • Rainsy warns of ‘betrayal’ if 118 play ‘Hun Sen’s game

    Opposition leader Sam Rainsy on Tuesday warned that those in his court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) who “play [Prime Minister] Hun Sen’s game” and resume their political careers when a proposed law change comes into effect will “betray” the party.

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  • Hun Sen clarifies amendment of Law on Political Parties

    Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said former opposition party members banned from politics can only be allowed back if they each make a request to either himself or the Interior Minister.

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  • Refugees convicted of crimes in US set for deportation

    The US Department of Homeland Security is set to deport 46 Cambodian refugees convicted of crimes in the United States on Monday, an attorney for the group said yesterday.

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  • Police look to question wife of RT news fixer

    A National Police official is urging the wife of a Cambodian news fixer for Russia Today, who is currently detained in Thailand after he fled Cambodia, to cooperate with authorities after she claimed that her husband was innocent.

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