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  • NagaWorld Issues Statement That It Encourages Unions

    In a rare public statement amid ongoing protests, NagaWorld denied accusations that it targeted union employees as part of mass layoffs last year that have led to a monthlong strike by casino workers and the arrests of senior union leaders and members.

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  • Relatives and supporters gather at memorial for murdered union leader Chea Vichea

    Chak Sopheap, executive director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights said that impunity runs rampant in Cambodia with Chea Vichea’s case only one example of the failures of Cambodia’s judicial system to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice.

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  • M’kiri officials under scrutiny over land

    Pen Ean, a personal adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen, has submitted a letter to Minister of Interior Sar Kheng requesting that the ministry review the case O’Raing district governor Seak Mony of Mondulkiri province and other officials in that district who allegedly conspired to take state land and the land of indigenous peoples for their own benefit.

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  • Interior ministry suggests seven anti-hacking tricks

    The current royalist Funcinpec led by “acting president” Prince Norodom Chakravuth has called on his aunt, former Funcinpec president and half-sister of King Norodom Sihamoni, Princess Norodom Arunrasmy, to help him lead the party to regain popularity amid a dispute over the presidency after the death of Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

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  • CHRC, French envoys talk rights

    The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) and the French embassy in Phnom Penh have pledged to deepen and improve relations between the two countries, especially on human rights cooperation, with both sides agreeing that this is an area that requires attention.

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  • Corruption: Why More Has to Be Done in Cambodia

    ech Pisey is executive director of Transparency International Cambodia, which is the country chapter of the NGO Transparency International whose goal is to stop corruption and promote accountability and integrity in all sectors of society.

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  • Police Tattoo Ban Causes Stir

    A ban on people with tattoos sitting the entrance exam for the police service has sparked a flurry of interest and some criticism.

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  • News Publisher Put Under Court Supervision Over Land Dispute Broadcast

    Los Seng, publisher of Los Seng News, has been placed under court supervision for six months over a live video report by two staff members in Kampot province.

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  • US Lawyer’s Support for CNRP Defendant Violated Tourist Visa: Interior Ministry

    Interior Ministry spokesperson Khieu Sopheak said an international lawyer assisting CNRP-linked Seng Chan Theary had damaged Cambodia’s honor by attending her trial. Jared Genser, Chan Theary’s lawyer, says he was only attending a friend’s trial hearing.

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  • Interior Ministry monitoring Funcinpec’s ‘internal conflict’

    Amid fights for legitimacy for the upcoming two separate congresses to be held by two royalist Funcinpec factions, the Interior Ministry said its legal experts are monitoring the move, urging them to resolve the “internal conflict” through legal procedures.

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  • Funcinpec faction asks aunt to support Prince Chakravuth

    The current royalist Funcinpec led by “acting president” Prince Norodom Chakravuth has called on his aunt, former Funcinpec president and half-sister of King Norodom Sihamoni, Princess Norodom Arunrasmy, to help him lead the party to regain popularity amid a dispute over the presidency after the death of Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

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  • US lawyer permanently banned from entering Cambodia

    A United States citizen who violated immigration law and entered Cambodia fraudulently has been permanently banned from ever entering The Kingdom.

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  • Opposition Mass Trial Reviews Announcement of ‘Rescue Movement’

    A three-hour video from 2018 about the formal announcement in California of a Cambodian opposition movement was presented on Thursday as evidence of plotting and incitement in the ongoing mass trials against leaders and supporters of the dissolved opposition CNRP.

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  • Family of Hun Sen Assistant, General Receive Plots on Rapidly Dwindling Lake

    In sub-decrees from November that were made public this week, four more sets of plots totaling to 219 hectares were distributed. These include five locations totaling 122 hectares given to Som Sokdaramonuerika, Som Somalika and Som Sokdararikio; 70 hectares to Say Sorphea; 6 hectares to Chim Pisey; and 19 hectares to Chen Srunheng.

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  • Cambodian whistleblowers are exposing corruption and exposed to persecution

    When Cambodian university student Kong Bunrith claimed on Facebook that dozens of his classmates paid bribes to pass their exams and named the government officials allegedly involved, authorities promptly began an investigation.

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  • UN chief says world must vaccinate everyone to defeat pandemic

    The world must vaccinate everyone against COVID-19 in order to defeat the pandemic, said the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

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  • Kem Sokha treason trial resumes

    Sokha, former president of the Supreme Court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), was charged in late 2017 with “conspiring with a foreign power” – allegedly the US – to topple the government. He faces a prison sentence of up to 30 years if found guilty.

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  • Seven International Labor Groups Back NagaWorld Strikers

    International labor groups criticized NagaWorld’s “long-standing failure” to respect workers’ rights and authorities’ “undue interference” of a legitimate strike, as one representative said the groups would bring the dispute before the ILO and Asean, and affiliated workers overseas would also look to exert pressure.

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  • One Young Girl’s Ambition to Promote Cambodian Females in Tech

    More young people, especially women, should turn to tech to solve their communities’ problems. That’s the message from Kao Menghorng, a grade 11 student at Hun Sen Peam Chikang High School in Kampong Cham Province whose passion for coding has seen her win many awards.

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  • Former CNRP officials face uncertain political careers

    Chak Sopheap, executive director of the Cambodia Center for Human Rights, said that the 18-month long detention of the two former CNRP party members was the result of “ridiculous charges of incitement”, which exemplifies how grim the human rights situation has become in Cambodia.

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