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  • International Days in Support of Victims of Torture

    International Days in Support of Victims of Torture

    Seven leading civil society organizations will mark the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture with an event at the Sunway Hotel on June 26. Rehabilitation is the theme for this year’s 26 June campaign.

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  • Victims of Torture Must Not Face Reprisals for Seeking Redress Through the UN

    Victims of Torture Must Not Face Reprisals for Seeking Redress Through the UN

    GENEVA (26June 2012) – An arbitrarily detained man reaches out to United Nations human rights bodies for justice. While the UN body rules in his favour, the man faces grave reprisals for speaking out in defence of his rights. He is​​​ denied medical treatment, placed under solitary confinement and allegedly beaten by prison authorities.

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  • Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    A group of women imprisoned last month for peacefully protesting in support of families whose homes were destroyed during a forced eviction must have their convictions overturned and be released immediately, Amnesty International said ahead of an appeal hearing on Wednesday.

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  • Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    A group of women imprisoned last month for peacefully protesting in support of families whose homes were destroyed during a forced eviction must have their convictions overturned and be released immediately, Amnesty International said ahead of an appeal hearing on Wednesday.

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  • International Days in Support of Victims of Torture

    International Days in Support of Victims of Torture

    Seven leading civil society organizations will mark the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture with an event at the Sunway Hotel on June 26. Rehabilitation is the theme for this year’s 26 June campaign.

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  • "Torture Is Illegal, Under any Circumstances, with no Exceptions", Says UN Human Rights Chief

    "Torture Is Illegal, Under any Circumstances, with no Exceptions", Says UN Human Rights Chief

    Statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, and the 25th anniversary of the Convention Against Torture

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  • Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    A group of women imprisoned last month for peacefully protesting in support of families whose homes were destroyed during a forced eviction must have their convictions overturned and be released immediately, Amnesty International said ahead of an appeal hearing on Wednesday.

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  • Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    Cambodia_ Quash convictions of 13 women imprisoned for speaking out

    A group of women imprisoned last month for peacefully protesting in support of families whose homes were destroyed during a forced eviction must have their convictions overturned and be released immediately, Amnesty International said ahead of an appeal hearing on Wednesday.

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  • CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    The Cambodia Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization ("NGO") that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia, today - 25 June 2012- publishes our "Map of Acid Attacks 2009-2012". The map outlines cases of acid attacks occurring throughout the country between 2009 and June 2012 according to the province the attack occurred. Each attack outlined on the map is accompanied by a case summary. The information presented was gathered from news media in Khmer or English.

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  • CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    The Cambodia Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization ("NGO") that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia, today - 25 June 2012- publishes our "Map of Acid Attacks 2009-2012". The map outlines cases of acid attacks occurring throughout the country between 2009 and June 2012 according to the province the attack occurred. Each attack outlined on the map is accompanied by a case summary. The information presented was gathered from news media in Khmer or English.

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  • CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    CCHR Publishes Map of Acid Attack Cases In Cambodia_2009 to 2012

    The Cambodia Center for Human Rights ("CCHR"), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization ("NGO") that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia, today - 25 June 2012- publishes our "Map of Acid Attacks 2009-2012". The map outlines cases of acid attacks occurring throughout the country between 2009 and June 2012 according to the province the attack occurred. Each attack outlined on the map is accompanied by a case summary. The information presented was gathered from news media in Khmer or English.

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