Details case of media violation in Phnom Penh

Location Phnom Penh
Date of Event Dec 23, 2022
Last Update Jan 16, 2023
# of media license(s) revoked 1

On 23 December 2022, news wesbite Khmer Cover TV (KCTV) published an article and video clip showing workers from the Galaxy Navatra Group filling a lake with sand in Kandal Province’s L’vea Em District. The article said they were installing a concrete road to access a development project, and claimed the construction had destroyed a government bridge on state-owned land. The company responded with a letter threatening to sue the outlet for defamation and demanding it take down the article and video clip. KCTV refused, saying the information was factual and that it had the right to publish it.
On 16 January 2023, the Ministry of Information (MoI) eventually revoked the license of KCTV, alleging the outlet had failed to follow its instructions on two occasions and committed ‘serious ethical violations;’ but did not elaborate further on these violations.

References Cambojanews | Khmer Times