Details case of media violation in Phnom Penh

Location Phnom Penh
Date of Event Feb 01, 2023
Last Update Feb 01, 2023
# of journalist(s) convicted


If convicted, date of conviction?

Feb 01, 2023

If convicted, of what?

Incitement to commit a felony and obstruction of the implementation of COVID-19 measures


The Siem Reap Tanhetkar journalist was arrested in July 2021 in Battambang province after he criticized the Cambodian government and the effectiveness of the Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine on social media. In December 2021, he was sentenced to two years in prison for incitement to commit a felony and obstruction of the implementation of COVID-19 measures under article 11 of the Law on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other serious, dangerous and contagious diseases. The Battambang Regional Court of Appeal upheld his sentence on 5 July 2022, as did the Supreme Court on 1 February 2023.

References VOD