Details case of media violation in Siem Reap

Location Siem Reap
Date of Event Feb 24, 2021
Last Update Feb 25, 2021
# of media license(s) revoked 1

Shen Kaidong, the editor-in-chief of the Chinese-language online news platform 'Angkor Today', was arrested on 24 February in Siem Reap for publishing an article headlined "Cambodia Sells Covid-19 Vaccine Donated by China". He was deported to China on 25 February and banned from re-entering Cambodia. Angkor Today's licence has been revoked. National Police spokesperson, Chhay Kimkkhoeun, said that the article published was false and had seriously affected the honour and the reputation of Cambodia. The owner of Angkor Today, Ung Kongkea, will be dealt with by the Information Ministry.

References Cambojanews | Khmer Times | Cambojanews