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Eight CNRP Officials Are Freed on Bail From Prey Sar Prison
Seven opposition CNRP lawmakers-elect and a party official who are charged with leading an insurrection and incitement to commit a felony were released on bail from Prey Sar Prison at about 5pm yesterday.
Villager Arrested Over Recent KDC Land Dispute Clashes
A 36-year-old villager was arrested at his home in Kompong Chhnamg province yesterday on allegations of destroying public property and causing injuries during one of several recent clashes in a long-running land dispute between farmers and the powerful connected KDC International.
Protest Outside Kandal Court as Questioning Starts in Land Case
About 200 people from Ponhea Leu district protested outside the Kandal provincial court yesterday as questioning began of residents summonsed last month in an ongoing land dispute.
Acid Attack Leaves 3 Injured
After more than haft a year with only one acid attack recorded in Cambodia, police in Banteay Meanchey’s Poipet town are at a loss to explain an incident yesterday in which three women were allegedly doused with the chemical while eating noodle at a local market.
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Ocean Settles as Other Worker Strikes Gain Steam
Workers from the beleaguered Ocean Garment Factory yesterday came to an agreement with management over furlough pay, following more than a month of protests.
Prey Lang Land Activists Deny Charge
Forest activists accused of destroying private property told a court hearing in Kompong Thom province yesterday that they were acting to protest mainland Southeast Asia’s largest evergreen forest from illegal logging.
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Garment Exports Keep Rising Despite Unrest
Cambodia’s vital garment and footwear exports have continued to show strong growth despite ongoing labor unrest, according to the government’s latest mid-year figures.
Environmental Activists Deny Property Damage Charge in Court
Nine environmental activists on trial for the destruction of private property in Kompong Thom province denied allegations in court yesterday that they ravaged a local farmer’s cassava field in 2011.
Two Detained Over Shooting
Two men have been arrested over the shooting of a Mondulkiri forestry official earlier this month.
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Khmer Krom Protesters Blocked From Vietnamese Embassy
Thousands of ethnic Khmer Krom monks and supporters marched through Phnom Penh yesterday delivering petitions to six embassies with little interference before being met by barricades and riot police at their final destination – the Vietnamese Embassy.
Krom March on Missions
Hundreds of monks, youths and other Kampuchea Krom activists beat a path around Phnom Penh yesterday, delivering to six foreign embassies – before finally being rebuffed by the Vietnamese – a petition calling for the recognition of the “true history” of Kampuchea Krom.
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Court Hears Another Case of Trafficking Women to China
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday heard the case against a couple charged with sending about a dozen women to China, supposedly for well-paying jobs, and then having them sold on to men who raped them, the latest in a recent raft of cases involving women being abused in China.
Journalists Accused of Extorting Authorities
Military police in Stung Treng province’s Sesan district arrested three journalists and one of their wives yesterday for allegedly attempting to extort money from military police officers they believed to be transporting illegal timber, police and the rights group Adhoc said.
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Employees ‘Waste Time on Phones’
About 500 garment workers whose bosses have complained that they spend too much of their working day talking on the phone and listening to music protested outside their Kampong Speu factory yesterday, demanding better working conditions.
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Journalists, Publisher Arrested Over Alleged Timber Extortion
Three reporters and a publisher were arrested in two separate cases of attempted extortion in Stung Treng and Kratie provinces on Sunday after stopping vehicles suspected of carrying illegally logged timber, according to local authorities.
‘I’m a Victim’: Accused Trafficker
Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday heard the case of two alleged human trafficking, one of whom told the court that she herself had been a victim of trafficking just last year.
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Man Leads Gang to Beat Family Over Phnom Argument
A man was arrested after allegedly beating three family members with wooden sticks in their Sen Sok district home on Saturday after an argument erupted between one of the victims and a woman staying with the family over a borrowed mobile phone, according to local police officials.
Army, Villagers Cut Land Deal
A hotly debated land dispute between villagers and the military in Banteay Meanchey province was solved – for many villagers at least – with a win-win strategy on Friday, according to the provincial governor.
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CNRP Lawmaker Summonsed
Kandal Provincial Court has summonsed opposition lawmaker-elect Chan Cheng to appear on Tuesday to stand trial on long-dormant charges of allegedly helping an activist escape from police custody, the lawmaker and his co-defendants said yesterday.
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Khmer Krom to Proceed With March Despite Harsh Warnings
A leader of a march planned in Phnom Penh today to demand an apology from a diplomat who said that Vietnam held the former Kampuchea Krom long before the French ceded them in 1949 vowed yesterday to disregard a government ban.