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Senator’s Sugar Firm Parts Ways With ANZ
A controversial sugar plantation owned by Senator Ly Yong Phat has paid off the last of its debt to ANZ Royal Bank amid pressure from the bank to help hundreds of families in Kompong Speu province who accuse the plantation of stealing their land.
Bus Workers’ Win Rejected
The general manager of Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation Bus Company says he will likely reject a Friday ruling by the Arbitration Council ordering the reinstatement of 15 employees fired for trying to form a labor union.
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Workers Continue Strike Over Change to Pay Day
About 1,000 workers from the Canteran factory in Phnom Penh’s Dangkao district continued to strike on Saturday over a decision to push back the day they are paid.
Working ‘Mother’ Kept Child Chained
A day after Prime Minister Hun Sen pointed out the need for more effective child protection in Cambodia; police in Koh Kong arrested and released a woman who admitted to chaining her 4-year-old “adopted daughter” inside their house eight hours a day for the past two years.
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Violence Breaks Out in Land Dispute With Minister’s Wife
A long-simmering land dispute between a group of villagers and a high-ranking minister’s wife turned violent this weekend as 10 people were injured while trying to block the KDC company from building a warehouse on contested land in Kompong Chhnang province, villagers and police said yesterday.
Land Battle Leads Local to Protest
About 100 villagers in the capital’s Pur Senchey district who allege two powerful families are trying to push them off their land protested yesterday after workers fenced off more than 3 hectares of the land they claim in Kouk Rokar commune.
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Official Shot While Tracking Illegal Loggers
A forestry official in Mondolkiri province who says he has seized more than 100 cubic meters of illegal luxury wood destined for Vietnam in the past three months was shot by an unknown assailant on Friday night, police said yesterday.
5-Year-Old Rescued From Chains, Captor Freed
A woman suspected of keeping her 5-year-old adopted daughter chained and imprisoned inside her house on Koh Kong rubber plantation while she went to work was arrested Friday by provincial police, but they released her the same day out of “pity” a police official and rights group said.
Preah Vihear Officials Release Protester
A man arrested by Preah Vihear provincial officials on Thursday for protesting against his pending eviction was released Friday after more than 150 villagers demonstrated outside the provincial department of environment demanding he be freed, according to villagers.
Constitutional Council Approves Judicial Laws, Sends to King
The approval of King Norodom Sihamoni is all that is needed for three controversial judicial bills to be passed into law after they were declared constitutional this week by the CPP-stacked Constitutional Council of Cambodia (CCC).
Thailand Sets Free, Returns 14 Migrant Workers
Fourteen Cambodians arrested last month in Thailand for possessing falsified documents were released Friday morning and transported by the Thai junta back across the border into Banteay Meanchey province.
Disability Initiatives Launched as Jobs Quota Not Met
For Cambodians with disabilities, the launch of two major initiatives in the past two days designed to improve their lives has brought some optimism about the future – tempered by a note of caution.
Villagers and Authorities Stand Their Ground in Chroy Changva
A community refusing to cede its land in Chroy Changva district to a powerful development company seems to be set for a showdown with local authorities after two days of negotiations failed to reach an agreement between the parties.
Husband Guilty in His Wife’s Death
A construction worker was sentenced to 10 years in prison yesterday for murdering his wife, whom he accused of fraternizing with young men in their Phnom Penh village.
A Ride Worth the Weight
North of the Sesan River, in protected forests that stretch to the border with Laos and Vietnam, illegal timber traders describe a network of bribery that leave them counting their riels, despite the multimillion-dollar nature of the industry.
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ILO Says Shaming Factories Leading to Improved Standards
Naming and shaming factories that fail to ensure a basic standard of conditions for their workers is starting to improve standards in the crucial garment sector, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), but persistent offenders remain.
Children Need More Safeguards: Premier
Following a number of brutal reports of child abuse this month, Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called for more safeguards against such violence, including at orphanages.
Workers Protest at Siem Reap’s Ta Prohm Temple
Sixty restoration workers at Ta Prohm temple in Siem Reap province put down their tools yesterday and protested in front of the temple alongside 31 former workers who lost their jobs last year and are demanding to be rehired by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), which leads the project.
Hundreds to March After Failed Talks
Workers at a Preah Sihanouk province garment factory plan to march to provincial Hall today, after negotiations fell apart between management and employees demanding reinstatement of five workers sacked for declining overtime work.
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Gov’t Makes It Official: Thais to Release 14
Fourteen Cambodian migrant workers jailed in Thailand for travelling with false visa will be freed and sent home today, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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