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In Northwest, CNRP Resumes Campaign Attacks on CPP
The opposition CNRP’s for the May 18 council elections rolled through these northwestern provinces yesterday, with party leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha casting aside their promises last week to refrain from attacks on the ruling CPP.
Rubber Firm Accused of Illegal Logging Puts Work on Hold
A Vietnamese firm behind several Cambodian rubber plantations accused of rampant land grabbing and illegal logging has bowed to a request from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) which helps fund its operations to temporarily suspend forest clearing at some of its local subsidiaries.
Poor Substitute Breastfed babies ‘more likely to live’
The infant formula business is booming and it’s costing babies’ lives, according to a joint statement against breast milk substitutions issued yesterday.
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After 2nd Adjournment, Speedy Trial for 23 Protesters Unlikely
On Tuesday, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court adjourned proceedings in the case of the 25 protesters arrested during the garment sector strikes that broke out in the capital late last year.
Charges for 5 in China bride case
Three Cambodian women and two Chinese men were charged in court yesterday over allegations they brought seven young women from provincial areas to Phnom Penh in preparation to send them to China to be married.
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Sorya Drivers Called to Court Over Intimidation, Defamation
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court summoned two former Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation bus drivers for questioning Tuesday after the court received a complaint from the bus company accusing the drivers of intimidation and defamation.
No party defections during election: CPP
A ruling party lawmaker yesterday dismissed days of claims by the opposition that this year’s council elections will see a number of secret defections when it comes to the polls.
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Openness study puts Kingdom at back of pack
International rule of law monitor the world justice project on Tuesday presented its findings on the openness of 15 governments in the East Asia and Pacific regions, ranking Cambodia 13 – just above Mongolia and Myanmar.
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Friends of Dave Walker Concerned Over Lack of Investigation
Friends of Canadian journalist Dave Walker, who when missing under mysterious circumstances in February and was found dead in Siem Reap province last week, expressed anger yesterday at the Cambodian police’s apartment unwillingness to investigate the 58-year-old’s death.
Union Says Three Workers Arrested Over Wing Star Protest
At least three workers were arrested yesterday morning outside the Wing Star Shoes factory in Kompong Speu province, where the Free Trade Union (FTU) has been leading a strike calling for benefits and back pay, according to police and union representative.
Company Destroys Villagers’ Crops Over Kratie Land Dispute
Representatives of a community locked in a land dispute with a Vietnamese company in Kratie province returned home from Phnom Penh late yesterday after failing to garner support from Prime Minister Hun Sen, while an official at the company said it had begun destroying villagers’ crops on the land.
Bus company sues strikers
After grappling with weeks of on-again, off-again strikes, the Phnom Penh Sorya Transportation bus firm has filed complaints against 20 former employees for incitement, making threats and using the company uniform without permission.
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Gov’t backtracks on rally ban
After days of defiance from the opposition against a ban on public assembly, the government issued orders yesterday for opposition rallies across the country to be allowed to go ahead, officials said.
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Khieu Samphan Hospitalized, Appeals Scope of Case
Khieu Samphan, the former Khmer Rouge head of state currently on trial of crimes against humanity, has once again been hospitalized, his lawyer said yesterday.
‘The 23’ put police on trial
Each of the 23 defendants who testified yesterday on charges linked to the garment protests in early January denied involvement in the violent demonstrations, while many said police beat false statements out of them.
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Two Military Officers Killed, Two Seriously Injured in Collision
Two military officers were killed and two others were seriously injured Sunday in Oddar Meanchey province when their car collided with a tourist bus at the intersection of National Roads 171 and 67 in Anlong Veng district, police said.
Passports to be valid longer
Passports issued to Cambodians will soon be valid for 10 years instead of three, officials at the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.
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Well-being of women, children up
The well-being of women and children in Cambodia has improved vastly in the past 15 years but still lags internationally, according to a report released by the nonprofit organization Save the Children this week.
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Garment Protest Trial Defendants Deny Charges
Defendants in a mass trial of 25 men and teenagers accused of joining a string of violent garment worker protests continued to profess their innocence during the second day of hearings at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday.
Ranariddh’s comeback under way
Prince Norodom Ranariddh has officially registered his new political faction, the Community of Royalist People’s Party, as a contender in the next national elections in 2018.
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