Newsletter Quarterly Bulletin Issue 9


Publication : Newsletter

"In Newsletter January 2006 issue 9 by LEGAL AID of CAMBODIA had important point such as EXCESSIVE PRE-TRIAL DETENTION; VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS/ Cambodian law states very clearly the maximum duration of pre-trial detention ... the laws are largely ignored’/ JUDGES SENTENCING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO TIME SERVED IN ORDER TO SAVE FACE/ ‘The reason that innocent people are sentenced to time served is that the judge wrongly decided the issue of detainment before trial’/ REPORT ON CRIMINAL CASE 466 DATED NOVEMBER 10, 2004/ CASE REPORT FROM SIEM REAP/ BLACK OR WHITE? NEED FOR TRIBUNAL QUESTIONED BY SOME, SUPPORTED BY OTHERS/ DISCRIMINATION IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM."

Information Source : Newsletter Quarterly Bulletin Issue 9

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