Joint Statement Investigation into Human Rights Violations Related to Trade Preferences for Cambodian Agro-industrial Products Must Begin Now


Publication : Press Release

(October 1, 2012) Eleven Cambodian and international organizations wrote to European Commissioner for Trade Karel de Gucht today following upon an open letter they sent to the Commissioner on June 26th outlining evidence of grave human rights abuses in the Cambodian agro-industrial sector directly linked to the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) preferential trade scheme. These communications have followed two years of requests by Cambodian organizations and affected communities seeking action from the European Commission (EC) on well-documented abuses occurring as a result of EBA incentives – abuses that should trigger an EC investigation under Article 17 of the EU’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Regulation.

Information Source : Joint Statement Investigation into Human Rights Violations Related to Trade Preferences for Cambodian Agro-industrial Products Must Begin Now

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