Public Letter Urging an Immediate Investigation into the Disappearance of Khem Sophath


Publication : Press Release

March 23, 2014 - We, the undersigned civil society groups, express our deep concern over the disappearance of Khem Sophath, a 16-year-old boy missing since the violent crackdown by Cambodian security forces​against striking garment workers on 3 January 2014 near the Canadia​Industrial area on Veng Sreng road, Phnom Penh. We call on the Royal​Government of Cambodia (RGC) to take all appropriate measures to​immediately, thoroughly and impartially investigate Khem Sophath’s​disappearance and inform his family of his fate or whereabouts.

Information Source : Public Letter Urging an Immediate Investigation into the Disappearance of Khem Sophath

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