LICADHO condemns the conviction and sentencing of 11 CNRP officials and supporters


Publication : Press Release

July 21, 2015 - This afternoon, 11 officials and supporters of the Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) were convicted of charges relating to insurrection and sentenced to between seven and 20 years imprisonment. They were taken to CC1 prison immediately following the sentencing. Only one of the nine defense lawyers was present for today’s hearing after the eight other lawyers allegedly boycotted the trial. When judges unexpectedly called for closing arguments, the defendants requested a delay until their lawyers could attend. The judges denied the request and deliberated for just 15 minutes before returning with the verdicts and sentences. As they began to deliberate, police and military police entered the courtroom and the road outside the courtroom was simultaneously blocked.

Information Source : LICADHO condemns the conviction and sentencing of 11 CNRP officials and supporters

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