The National Election Committee Should Be More Responsible to Ensure The Free and Fair Election
On 27th June, the day of the launch of the official electoral campaign to elect a Cambodian representative at the National Assembly, CCIM is broadca sting two investigative reports showing that the Election Committee in charge of organising the elections, should be more responsible to ensure the free and fair election.
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There Is No Justice, No-one Is Safe
Again former the Bavet Governor, Chhouk Bandith failed to appear in court to face charges forthe brutal shooting of three Cambodian garment workers in February 2012. Last week, Bandithwas tried in absentia on 12-14 June, 2013. During the three day hearing nineteen witnesses were called, eighteen of those were police officers.
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Cambodia: Report Finds Marked Deterioration in Human Rights
Phnom Penh, 19.06.2013: Human rights defenders in Cambodia are less safe than they were a year ago according to a report published today by ARTICLE 19 and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR). The risk assessment survey shows the security situation in the country deteriorated significantly in 2012 as the government crackdown on fundamental human rights has intensified ahead of the elections in July. The report highlights in particular, increasing attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of association.
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Cambodia: Court Upholds Unjust Verdict
(New York) – A Cambodian court’s ruling upholding the conviction of a land rights activist on trumped-up charges shows the political use of the countr y’s legal system to persecute critics of the government, Human Rights Watch said today.
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Media Alert Political Forum “Perspectives of Political Parties on Environment and Land in Cambodia”
The purpose of this Political Forum is to enable the major political parties to outline their policies on the environment and land prior to the nation al election on 28 July 2013, ensuring that Cambodian citizens, civil society organizations, and local authorities can gain a better understanding of each political party’s stance on these key issues, encouraging greater participation in the upcoming election.
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The Upholding of Rights Defender’s Conviction Marks Another Blow to Human Rights and Justice in the Kingdom
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) is outraged by yesterday’s decision by the Court of Appeal in Phnom Penh, to uphold the bogus convictio n of housing rights activist, Yorm Bopha. Despite a stark lack of evidence to warrant a case against her, Yorm Bopha was found guilty of “intentional violence with aggravating circumstances” on 27 December 2012. Although the Court of Appeal reduced Yorm’s Bopha’s sentence yesterday to two years, on the grounds that she did not directly commit violence, she was taken back to prison yesterday evening after the decision, where she will serve the rest of her sentence – fifteen months.
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