• CHRAC Supports Senate Elections
  • Global Witness Must be Entitled to Continue its Mandate in Cambodia

    Global Witness Must be Entitled to Continue its Mandate in Cambodia

    The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee has interviewed victims of the December 5 incident between representatives of forest concession communities from the Provinces and the police officers in front of the office of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife.

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  • CHRAC Invites Supporter of Human Rights to the Trial of Sam Bith

    CHRAC Invites Supporter of Human Rights to the Trial of Sam Bith

    The Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs, wishes to invite all supporters of human rights to attend the trial of former Khmer Rouge leader Sam Bith this Thursday, 12 December, to support relatives of people whose deaths he’s charged with ordering. The trial will be in Phnom Penh Municipal Court at 7:30AM.

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  • CHRAC Calls for Credible Khmer Rouge Tribunal
  • Stop Violence Against Women - Phnom Penh Street March

    Stop Violence Against Women - Phnom Penh Street March

    The march, organized by the Cambodian Committee of Women (CAMBOW), is part of the international 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. The 16 Days campaign is conducted each year in many countries around the world between November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women, and December 10, International Human Rights Day. The 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including December 1 which is World AIDS Day, and December 6 which marks the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre.

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  • CAMBOW Objects to Provision in the Domestic Violence Draft   Law

    CAMBOW Objects to Provision in the Domestic Violence Draft Law

    A clause in the draft Domestic Violence Law which allows husbands to rape their wives with impunity should be deleted, according to the Cambodian Committee of Women (CAMBOW), a coalition of 33 Cambodian NGOs that work to advance the cause of women in Cambodia.

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  • Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper Must be Entitled to Republish

    Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper Must be Entitled to Republish

    The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 Local NGOs, in very deplorable that The Ministry of Information issued a letter No. 532/02 dated 01/08/02 instructing the Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper to suspend its publication for 30 days following it published an article entitled “ Fearing the Vietnamese puppets, Funcinpec is planning to cut it flesh for the crocodile" on August 1,2001.

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  • Authorities Must Respect Journalists’ Right to Provide   the Source of Their Information

    Authorities Must Respect Journalists’ Right to Provide the Source of Their Information

    The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs, is very concerned with the respects of the people’s rights in getting informantion, the journalists’s rights, and transparencty of the government following obtaining the information that a Moneaseka Khmer journalist was taken and threatened to get the source of information.

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  • Cambodia: Young Trafficking Victims Treated as Criminals

    Cambodia: Young Trafficking Victims Treated as Criminals

    (New York)- Fourteen Vietnamese girls who are alleged victims of trafficking were arrested by Cambodian authorities after they were rescued from a brothel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Human Rights Watch said today.

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  • Cambodia: Prosecute Perpetrators of Political Violence

    Cambodia: Prosecute Perpetrators of Political Violence

    (New York)- The Cabodian government should take immediate steps to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of political violence committed during commune-level elections held in February 2002, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Action to end impunity should be a pre-condition for any aid to prepare for next year’s national elections, Human Rights Watch said.

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  • Human Rights, Justice and Toxic Waste in Cambodia

    Human Rights, Justice and Toxic Waste in Cambodia

    Dumped in an open field, the waste was scavenged by poor villagers, many of whom later complained of sickness; one quickly died. The Cambodian leadership, expressing outrage, promised a thorough investigation. Local people panicked: thousands fled the city. Others in Sihanoukville exercised their constitutional rights and in December held two days of public demonstrations, blaming government corruption for the presence of the toxic material. Even some local officials told Human Rights Watch they believed that demonstrations were warranted, provided they were lawful and peaceful.

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  • Cambodia/Vietnam: Montagnard Asylum Rights Threatened

    Cambodia/Vietnam: Montagnard Asylum Rights Threatened

    (New York) Human Rights Watch today expressed strong concern about Cambodia’s announcement that it will close down two refugee camps and cease protecting and providing temporary asylum for indigenous Montagnard refugees from Vietnam.

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