The Twenty-Sixth ILO Synthesis Report on Working Conditions in Cambodia’s Garment Sector
On 29th July 2011, the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) of the ILO Better Factories Cambodia project met in Phnom Penh to review and endorse the Twenty-Sixth ILO Synthesis Report on working conditions in Cambodia’s Garment Industry. The PAC comprises representatives from the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia and Cambodian trade unions.
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This report, Strengthening Electoral Processes and Democratic Practices in Cambodia: A Report on Forums on Elections and Democratic Space (the “Report”), is an output of the Forums on Elections And Democratic Space Project (the “Project”) implemented by CCHR with financial support from the Strengthening Democracy and Electoral Processes in Cambodia (“SDEP”) project of the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”). The content and recommendations made in the Report are based on information available during the implementation period, being September to December 2010.
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CCHR Releases “Blurred Boundaries” Briefing Note in Advance of Tomorrow’s ICJ Decision and Calls for a Permanent Peace Deal Between Cambodia and Thailand that Puts People Before Politics
CCHR marks tomorrow’s ICJ decision by releasing a briefing note entitled “Blurred Boundaries: A Briefing Note on the Cambodian-Thai Border Tensions”, which sets out the history, causes and developments of the long-running border dispute. It is now vital that bothcountries allow third party independent players – either international or regional – to help them reach a final resolution to the border conflict, so as to end the ongoing bloodshed and displacement ofcivilians.
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Blurred Boundaries: A Briefing Note on the Cambodian-Thai Border Tensions
CCHR marks tomorrow’s ICJ decision by releasing a briefing note entitled “Blurred Boundaries: A Briefing Note on the Cambodian-Thai Border Tensions”, which sets out the history, causes and developments of the long-running border dispute. It is now vital that both countries allow third party independent players – either international or regional – to help them reach a final resolution to the border conflict, so as to end the ongoing bloodshed and displacement of civilians.
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False Promises: Exploring the Citizenship Rights of the Khmer Krom in Cambodia
today releases a report titled “False Promises: Exploring the Citizenship Rights of the Khmer Krom in Cambodia” (the “Report”).The Report explores and analyzes the contradiction between the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (“RGC”) public confirmation that the ethnic Khmer from South Vietnam (the “Khmer Krom”) are Cambodian citizens, and the practical difficulties faced by the Khmer Krom who try to access the benefits of their Cambodian citizenship by applying for citizenship identity cards (“ID cards”) which are required to unlock the rights and benefits that are attached to citizenship/nationality such as employment, education, and property rights land rights.
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Beyond Capacity 2011: A Progress Report on Cambodia’s Exploding Prison Population
Cambodia’s prison population is in the midst of an unprecedented population boom. Just seven years ago, the 18 prisons monitored by LICADHO were at roughly 100% of their collective capacity. Today, they are filled to roughly 180% of their capacity, making Cambodia’s prison system among the 25 most overcrowded in the world. This report provides an overview of the prison overcrowding crisis - its causes, its effects, and detailed statistics concerning the growing number of prisoners in Cambodia.
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Statistical Analysis on Land Disputes in Cambodia, 2010
In 2010, the number of LD cases increased compared with those reported in 2009. Twenty-eight LDs occurred in 20106 alone, whereas the Statistical Analysis of LDs in 2009 shows the existence of just 9 new cases7 (See Graphic 1). In 2009, a total of 236 valid LD cases were recorded. Subsequently in 2010, this number rose to 282, accounting for an additional 46 cases. However, from these 46 cases recorded, only 28 new LD cases actually occurred in 2010. The remaining 18 cases actually occurred in 2009 but were not recorded in the NGOFs databases at that stage.
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10 Things You Need to Know about Labour Trafficking
This publication features stories from women, men and children who were trafficked for labour exploitation. We hope that it will help improve your understanding of the true nature of human trafficking. Since statistics are scarce, these stories provide insight into methods and forms of trafficking, as well as possible hot-spots in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) and the changing nature of the crime.
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Country Narratives: 2011 Tracking in Person Report
This page shows a sample country narrative. The Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention sections of each country narrative describe how a government has or has not addressed the relevant TVPA minimum standards, during the reporting period.
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Independent Media in Exile
The report explores the challenges faced by journalists living in exile from countries with repressive regimes and examines the impact that their courageous reporting makes in their home countries. Drawing on the results of a survey of 36 individuals representing 33 exile media organizations from 18 countries, the report calls for increased coordination among journalists and organizations operating in exile and encourages donors and trainers to actively assist exile media.
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Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
The report examines events surrounding the decision by the court’s two investigating judges to end their investigation into its third proposed case (Case 003), and calls on the United Nations to investigate the operations of the court. It also reviews developments in Case 002, against the four top surviving Khmer Rouge leaders, due to open on June 27, and the appeal of Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, in March.
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