Policy Platform on Land Policy
The purpose of the platform is to provide the opportunity for local residents in Chheur Teal commune to meet with local authorities, an independent analyst, parliamentarians, political party representatives and NGO representatives. Discussions will take place in order to help clarify the participants understanding of the land policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the land policy of each political party in accordance with the enforced laws.
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Monitoring Report on Protest of Boeung Kak Lake Victims in Front of the Ministry of Justice
At around 8.00am today more than 100 protesters from Boeung Kak Lake, Borey Keila and airport communities evicted from their homes assembled in front of the Ministry of Justice to demonstrate against violations to their housing rights and to file a petition asking for the release Ms. Yorm Bopha, a community activist imprisoned for more than 8 months so far on spurious charges.
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Adhoc Successfully Mediates in Longstanding Land Dispute Srechar Commune, Snoul District, Kratie Province
On 13 March 2013 at Srecha Commune office, Mrs. Tim Narin, ADHOC Kratie Coordinator cooperated with Mr. Ouk Sara, Commune Chief, and Mrs. Lim Savorn, a Commune Councilor to mediate in a longstanding land dispute between two sisters: Ms. Ourn Dany, a 47 year old farmer and Ms. Ourn Sreypove, a 32 year old businesswoman.
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