• Universal Periodic Review: Address Cambodia’s human rights crisis

    Universal Periodic Review: Address Cambodia’s human rights crisis

    Ahead of the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) hearing for Cambodia on 28 January 2014, the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) and Amnesty International call on UN member states to address the country’s current human rights crisis.

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  • Cambodia: detention of labour activists unjustified

    Cambodia: detention of labour activists unjustified

    The ICJ criticized the Phnom Penh Municipal Court’s decision to deny bail to 23 people who were arrested and detained earlier this month following protests by garment factory workers seeking a higher minimum wage. The detainees’ lawyers told the ICJ that the court denied bail for the first nine detainees, arrested on 2 January 2014, in order to “guarantee their presence for further legal proceedings”, “to preserve public order” and “to prevent instability that results from the commission of crimes”.

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  • Opposition CNRP meeting cancelled due to ruling party intimidation

    Opposition CNRP meeting cancelled due to ruling party intimidation

    A meeting of the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (“CNRP”) in Troeuy Sla commune in Kandal province was cancelled yesterday – 21 January 2014 – after several hundreds of Cambodian People’s Party (“CPP”) supporters and riot and military police armed with tear gas canisters, shields and batons were standing at the meeting venue.

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  • Cambodia: Harassment, arrest, and detention of human rights defenders continue

    Cambodia: Harassment, arrest, and detention of human rights defenders continue

    Phnom Penh, Paris, Geneva, January 22 – FIDH and the OMCT, within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) express their concern over the Cambodian authorities’ ongoing harassment, arbitrary arrest, and detention of human rights defenders.

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  • CCHR calls for the immediate lift of the ban on assemblies and for a halt to the wave of detention of human rights activists

    CCHR calls for the immediate lift of the ban on assemblies and for a halt to the wave of detention of human rights activists

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) calls for the immediate lift of the current ban on assemblies and for a halt to the subsequent wave of detention of human rights activists. On 4 January 2014, the Ministry of Interior announced a ban on assemblies, demonstrations, and marches until “public order and security are restored.” Since the announcement human rights activists and peaceful protesters have been systematically temporarily arrested and required to sign letters agreeing to cease demonstrating.

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  • CCHR Human Rights Defender and Freedom of Expression Alert Update– Phnom Penh, 21 January 2014 Continuous Temporary Arrest of Human Rights Activists and Ban on Demonstrations

    CCHR Human Rights Defender and Freedom of Expression Alert Update– Phnom Penh, 21 January 2014 Continuous Temporary Arrest of Human Rights Activists and Ban on Demonstrations

    Today - 21 January 2014 – eleven human rights activists and peaceful protesters were temporarily arrested by Daun Penh security guards and taken to the Phnom Penh Municipal Police Station. Among the 11 arrested were Rong Chun, President of the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association (‘’CITA’’), Tep Vanny and Yorm Bopha along with seven other Boeng Kak Lake activists, a staff member of Housing Rights Task Force (‘’HRTF’’) and an activist from the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (‘’CATU’’).

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  • CCHR calls for the immediate lift of the ban on assemblies and for a halt to the wave of detention of human rights activists

    CCHR calls for the immediate lift of the ban on assemblies and for a halt to the wave of detention of human rights activists

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) calls for the immediate lift of the current ban on assemblies and for a halt to the subsequent wave of detention of human rights activists. On 4 January 2014, the Ministry of Interior announced a ban on assemblies, demonstrations, and marches until “public order and security are restored.” Since the announcement human rights activists and peaceful protesters have been systematically temporarily arrested and required to sign letters agreeing to cease demonstrating.

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  • CCHR Releases a Policy Brief on the Garment Industry in Cambodia Outlining the Current State of Human Rights in the Industry and Offering Recommendations for Reform

    CCHR Releases a Policy Brief on the Garment Industry in Cambodia Outlining the Current State of Human Rights in the Industry and Offering Recommendations for Reform

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) releases today – 19 January 2014 – a Policy Brief on the Garment Industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”). In light of growing human rights concerns with regards to the garment industry, the Policy Brief collates data gathered by CCHR’s researchers and offers concrete policy and legislative recommendations for reforms to all stakeholders, which would substantially improve the situation.

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  • “Workers’ Rights are Human Rights” Policy Brief: The Garment Industry in Cambodia

    “Workers’ Rights are Human Rights” Policy Brief: The Garment Industry in Cambodia

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) is a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization (“NGO”) that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights – primarily civil and political rights – throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”). CCHR’s vision is of a non-violent Cambodia in which people can enjoy their fundamental human rights, are empowered to participate in democracy, and share equally the benefits of Cambodia’s economic development.

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  • Defence Team for a Named Suspect in Case 004 Files Motion to Annul Investigative Action and End Case

    Defence Team for a Named Suspect in Case 004 Files Motion to Annul Investigative Action and End Case

    On 15 January 2014, we, the Co-Lawyers for a Named Suspect in Case 004, filed a Motion Requesting an Annulment of Investigative Action Pursuant to Internal Rule 76 with the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges (“OCIJ”) at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“ECCC”). If granted, the Motion will effectively bring an end to the case against our client.

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  • Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    I am about to complete my tenth human rights fact-finding mission to the Kingdom of Cambodia, the first since the National Assembly elections​ took place in July 2013. What I propose to outline are my initial findings and thoughts about the human rights situation in the country since my last mission. My final conclusions and recommendations will be contained in my report that I will present to the United Nations Human Rights Council in September this year.

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  • Cambodia: Detainees in Crackdown Denied Rights

    Cambodia: Detainees in Crackdown Denied Rights

    (New York) – The Cambodian authorities should protect the rights of 23 people arrested after a violent crackdown by security forces on striking garment workers in Phnom Penh on January 2- 3, 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. Authorities detained the group incommunicado and without medical care at the remote CC3 prison at Trapeang Phlong in Kampong Cham province near the border with Vietnam.

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