• Cambodia: To be a Judge, be Ready to Bribe: Students

    Cambodia: To be a Judge, be Ready to Bribe: Students

    To be eligible for positions as judges in Cambodia’s court system, students say they must pay tens of thousands of dollars in bribes. There is even an expression among the students: "Without $20,000 or $ 30,000, one shouldn’t dream of becoming a judge." In numerous interviews with VOA Khmer, students at the new Royal Academy for Judicial Professions in Phnom Penh described in detail a corrupt practice that critics warn compromises the entire justice system.

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  • United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    On Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will question a Cambodian Government delegation on its performance on a range of human rights issues, including poverty reduction, health, education, labor, housing and food. Natalie Bugalski, Legal Officer at the Centre on Housing Rights Evictions (COHRE), said The examination of the Government by eighteen independent experts and jurists of the United Nations over the next two days is extremely significant. The conclusions of the UN Committee will provide an impartial assessment of Cambodia‟s compliance with its international law obligations with respect to economic, social and cultural rights.

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  • United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    On Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will question a Cambodian Government delegation on its performance on a range of human rights issues, including poverty reduction, health, education, labor, housing and food. Natalie Bugalski, Legal Officer at the Centre on Housing Rights Evictions (COHRE), said The examination of the Government by eighteen independent experts and jurists of the United Nations over the next two days is extremely significant. The conclusions of the UN Committee will provide an impartial assessment of Cambodia‟s compliance with its international law obligations with respect to economic, social and cultural rights.

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  • United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    On Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will question a Cambodian Government delegation on its performance on a range of human rights issues, including poverty reduction, health, education, labor, housing and food. Natalie Bugalski, Legal Officer at the Centre on Housing Rights Evictions (COHRE), said The examination of the Government by eighteen independent experts and jurists of the United Nations over the next two days is extremely significant. The conclusions of the UN Committee will provide an impartial assessment of Cambodia‟s compliance with its international law obligations with respect to economic, social and cultural rights.

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  • United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    United Nations Experts to Review Cambodia Compliance with Human Rights Covenant

    On Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will question a Cambodian Government delegation on its performance on a range of human rights issues, including poverty reduction, health, education, labor, housing and food. Natalie Bugalski, Legal Officer at the Centre on Housing Rights Evictions (COHRE), said The examination of the Government by eighteen independent experts and jurists of the United Nations over the next two days is extremely significant. The conclusions of the UN Committee will provide an impartial assessment of Cambodia‟s compliance with its international law obligations with respect to economic, social and cultural rights.

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  • UN Expert Urges Cambodia to Refrain From More Forced Evictions

    UN Expert Urges Cambodia to Refrain From More Forced Evictions

    I am extremely concerned about the threatened evitction of nearly one hundred families in Phnom Penh, the so-called"Group 78". I have once again addressed the Cambodian authorities to remind them that the pattern of evictions, affecting many of the poor, in the country- and the apparent lack of due process in that regard - suggests they may be tolerating, or even perpetrating, the forced evictions prohibited by international human rights standards.

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  • Cambodia End Threats to Opposition Lawmaker

    Cambodia End Threats to Opposition Lawmaker

    In a speech on April 29, 2009, Hun Sen said that it would be “as easy as ABC” to have the parliamentary immunity lifted for Mu Sochua, a National Assembly member. This would permit the government to bring criminal charges against her and prosecute her for publicly criticizing the prime minister. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has summoned Sochua to court on May 7.

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  • Cambodia: End Threats to Opposition Lawmaker One of Parliament’s Few Women Faces Criminal Defamation Suit

    Cambodia: End Threats to Opposition Lawmaker One of Parliament’s Few Women Faces Criminal Defamation Suit

    (New York) - Prime Minister Hun Sen and other senior members of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) should stop threatening to orchestrate the removal of lawmakers’ parliamentary immunity in order to silence government critics, Human Rights Watch said today.In a speech on April 29, 2009, Hun Sen said that it would be "as easy as ABC" to have the parliamentary immunity lifted for Mu Sochua, a National Assembly member. This would permit the government to bring criminal charges against her and prosecute her for publicly criticizing the prime minister. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has summoned Sochua to court on May 7.

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  • OHCHR statement on Press Freedom

    OHCHR statement on Press Freedom

    The High Commissioner for Human Rights stressed today that the safety and protection of journalists are indispensable bases for the full protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. OHCHR welcomes that journalists in Cambodia do not routinely face prison sentences for their professional activities, but it is clear that serious restrictions continue to limit press freedom and freedom of expression.

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  • 2009 LICADHO Report: Cambodia’s Media Continues to be Attacked, Threatened and Censored

    2009 LICADHO Report: Cambodia’s Media Continues to be Attacked, Threatened and Censored

    Cambodia’s media is often described as one of the freest in the region, especially relative to the likes of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos or China where the media is all but controlled by the government1. But the reality is that Cambodia’s media still exists in a repressive environment where the government controls the majority of the media. Those that it does not control, it is not afraid to attack, threaten or censor.

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  • Press Freedom in Cambodia is seriously under threat
  • Families in Cambodia at risk of forced eviction

    Families in Cambodia at risk of forced eviction

    Amnesty International is calling on the Australian Government to urge Cambodian authorities to prevent the forced eviction of a community of around 80 families living near the new Australian embassy on the riverfront in central Phnom Penh.

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