• Attacks and Threats Against Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia   2007

    Attacks and Threats Against Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia 2007

    The first involved extensive intimidation of Khmer Kampuchea Krom monks in Cambodia who advocate for the rights of their minority, and for an end to persecution of fellow defenders in Vietnam. The harassment in Cambodia has included violent suppression of peaceful demonstrations, the abduction and deportation of a leading dissident monk, and even the possible murder of a monk involved in the protests. The second involved the undermining of the human rights legal profession, in particular as a consequence of the high-profile land dispute in Kong Yu village, Ratanakiri province. After threats directed against human rights lawyers merely for fulfilling their role of representing the powerless, many legal aid lawyers find themselves justifiably afraid to conduct their legitimate activities.

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  • Improving Lives by Fighting Corruption

    Improving Lives by Fighting Corruption

    Curbing corruption is widely recognized as the key to boosting a nation out of economic and social lethargy into a vibrant, thriving state. After more than two decades of war and constant conflict, corruption in Cambodia has been allowed to metastacize from its bureaucratic core and currently plagues all levels of society. It impacts everyone, whether they are perpetrators victims, and has corroded trust...

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  • Child Workers in Brick Factories Causes and Consequences a Research Study

    Child Workers in Brick Factories Causes and Consequences a Research Study

    The study is designed to describe the working and living conditions of children working in brick factories and the impact of child labour on child development. In addition, reasons for working, reasons for involving children in child labour, and reasons for employing children are documented based on the interviews with child workers, their parents, and their employers. The research sites are all brick factories in two districts in Battambang province: Battambang and Sang Ke districts, which are the surrounding areas of Battambang provincial city. Data were collected using interviewer-completed questionnaires from three main sources (132 child workers, 43 parents, and 15 brick factory owners or managers) from 26 brick factories.

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  • How Politics, Money and Fear Control Cambodias Media Report 2008

    How Politics, Money and Fear Control Cambodias Media Report 2008

    The survey questionnaire was produced in August 2007. A first draft, written in English and translated into Khmer, was trialed with a focus group of seven Cambodian journalists and editors in late August. Their valuable feedback led to some amendments of the questionnaire and to the methodology of conducting the survey.

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  • Prison Conditions in Cambodia 2007 The Story of a Mother   and Child

    Prison Conditions in Cambodia 2007 The Story of a Mother and Child

    There are many mothers and children who face the same struggles that Lina and Maly endured whilst living in Cambodian prisons. For women who are sentenced to long periods of imprisonment, they may only be able to live with their child for a few years. It is vital that all women prisoners (and indeed, all prisoners) are provided with better living conditions, however, for those women who also bring their children to live in the prisons, it is of the utmost importance that these families are supported and that the relationship between mother and child is preserved and respected. More importantly, it is essential to protect the rights of the child who lives and grows up in prison.

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  • Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Human Rights in Cambodia

    Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Human Rights in Cambodia

    The fourth mission to Cambodia of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia, from 1 to 10 December 2007, centred on the theme of the rule of law, including access to justice. The framework of the rule of law gives valuable insights into the legal, judicial and political system of a country. It is an appropriate focus because the rule of law is a key concept in the Constitution of Cambodia itself.

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  • Report Summary on Assessment of NGO Participation and Representation in Technical Workin Groups (TWGs)

    Report Summary on Assessment of NGO Participation and Representation in Technical Workin Groups (TWGs)

    Resettlement Action Network (RAN), a network of NGO Forum on Cambodia, conducted a field survey to study resettlement impacts caused by the National Road No.1 Improvement Project, currently implemented by the government of Cambodia with assistance from Japanese Official DevelopmentAssistance. The Project requires the resettlement of more than 1800 households, and RAN has raised serious concerns over the resettlement impacts of the Project.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    In carrying out its programme, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR or the Office) continued to be guided by Commission on Human Rights resolution 2005, 77, which invited the Secretary-General, agencies of the United Nations system present in Cambodia, as well as the international community, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to continue to work with the Government of Cambodia in ensuring the protection and promotion of the human rights of all people in Cambodia.

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  • Human Rights Situation Report 2007

    Human Rights Situation Report 2007

    2007 saw the consequence of a serious division of the FUNCINPEC party, which led to its separation into two factions (the FUNCINPEC Party and the Norodom Ranaridh Party). The ex-party chief was sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay a fine to the court. This had been preventing the prince from returning back to the country until recently. The separation has led to a serious decrease in the party’s popularity, which was observed during the last commune election (see key events).

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  • Sexual Trafficking and Debauchery Cases in the First Three Quarters of 2008

    Sexual Trafficking and Debauchery Cases in the First Three Quarters of 2008

    The continued happening of rape shows that our excellent cultures, customs are being damaged and decreasing in value under the influence of the foreign cultures through the distribution of pornography video especially in the café and the use of drugs.

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  • Trafficking and Rape in Cambodia

    Trafficking and Rape in Cambodia

    Most were trafficked domestically; some were trafficked from Vietnam to Cambodia and from Cambodia to Thailand and Malaysia. The main trafficking destinations in Cambodia were Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap, and Preah Sihanouk

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  • The State of Health of Migrants Report “Mandatory Testing”

    The State of Health of Migrants Report “Mandatory Testing”

    Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility (CARAM Cambodia) is a membership of CARAM Asia which has partners over twenty in South and Southeast in Asia. The State of Health of Migrants – Mandatory Testing Research is a production of CARAM Cambodia and it should be seen as tools for advocacy to decrease the vulnerability for STIs and HIV/AIDS of migrant workers. The research was jointly with CARAM Asia partners as regional and country level and the research has been focused on the process of testing procedures with Cambodian migrant workers who seeks employment in destination countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Republic of Korea and so on in order to be friendly tested at testing center before departure to work abroad and while the staying in destination countries required annually test and perspective of receiving country while Vietnamese migrant sex workers in Cambodia.

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