•  Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    The present report contains information on the role and achievements of the Cambodia Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR, Cambodia) from January to July 2003 in assisting the Government and people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights.

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  • Coercion, Threats, and Vote-Buying in Cambodia’s National Elections

    Coercion, Threats, and Vote-Buying in Cambodia’s National Elections

    Political violence during the three elections conducted over the last decade has taken a heavy toll on the voting population. Many Cambodians have been made acutely aware that active involvement in politics, particularly on behalf of the opposition, could result in death. They know that little or nothing is done to bring the perpetrators to justice, especially if the perpetrators are local officials or members of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). Merely the threat of violence, and the resulting fear it instills, means that opposition party activists no longer need to be targeted and killed in order to convey to Cambodian voters that they should not support the opposition.

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  • National Assembly Election 2003

    National Assembly Election 2003

    This is the first of two reports that will be issued by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia on the 2003 National Assembly elections. A second report will be published after the electoral process is complete.

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  • Comments on the Report of the State of Cambodia​​ Concerning the Implementation of the UN Convention  Gainst Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

    Comments on the Report of the State of Cambodia​​ Concerning the Implementation of the UN Convention Gainst Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

    This report is based upon the Asian Legal Resource Centre’s accumulated experience regarding torture and the rule of law in Cambodia. The Asian Legal Resource Centre and its sister organization, the Asian Human Rights Commission, have published widely on these topics, including, Report of the fact-finding mission to Cambodia (1994); Problems facing the Cambodian legal system, by Mr Basil Fernando (1998); Comments on the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by Justice H Suresh (2001, with the Cambodian Defenders Project and Danish Centre for Human Rights); Three critiques on flaws in the Cambodian legal system (2001, with the Cambodian Defenders Project and Danish Centre for Human Rights); and a number ofpapers in article 2, February 2002 (vol. 1, no. 1).

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    The present report contains information on the role and achievements of the Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR, Cambodia) from July to December 2002 in assisting the Government and people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights.

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  • Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Cambodia is preparing for its third parliamentary election since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords in 1991. The upcoming National Assembly Elections will be an important benchmark as Cambodia strives to deepen its roots as a multi-party democracy.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    This papper is intended to initiate discussion and dialogue on prison issues. It is based on the experiences of the UN Human Rights Office in Cambodia in conducting regular visits to prisons since its establishment in 1993, as well as on reports from non-governmental organizations.

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  • Towards a Human Prison Policy for Cambodia Final   Edited

    Towards a Human Prison Policy for Cambodia Final Edited

    This paper is intended to initiate discussion and dialogue on prison issues. It is based on the experiences of the UN Human Rights Office in Cambodia in conducting regular visits to prisons since its establishment in 1993

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  • Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Cambodia has made important gains over the past 10 years, as evidenced by its beginning to rebuild State institutions and a legal framework. Economic opportunities are increasing as a result of recent stability.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    The present report contains information on the role and achievements of the Cambodia Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR, Cambodia) from December 2001 to June 2002. It has been prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 56/169 of 19 December 2001.

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  • Joint Submission by Non-Governmental Organizations on Freedom of Expression and Assembly

    Joint Submission by Non-Governmental Organizations on Freedom of Expression and Assembly

    Cambodia has a variety of human rights obligations in respect of the rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The Royal Government of Cambodia (the Government) has engaged with some international human rights mechanisms but not with others, whist the current national human rights infrastructure is seriously flawed.

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  • Street Retribution in Cambodia

    Street Retribution in Cambodia

    The Commission on Human Rights, in its recent resolution on the human rights situation in Cambodia, reiterated its concern about the apparent lack of protection from mob killings.

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