• CCHR welcomes new LGBT anti-discrimination provisions in Nepal’s new constitution

    CCHR welcomes new LGBT anti-discrimination provisions in Nepal’s new constitution

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) expresses its delight at the adoption of provisions in the new constitution in Nepal which afford protection to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (“LGBT”) people by providing for equal rights and importing measures combating discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (“SOGI”). In doing so, Nepal becomes the first ever country in Asia to adopt express laws recognizing equal rights for LGBT people. The CCHR congratulates the people of Nepal and the LGBT community in particular on this milestone achievement.

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  • Statement of Principles for Cambodian Internet Freedom

    Statement of Principles for Cambodian Internet Freedom

    The Internet plays a key role in promoting and protecting human rights online. As stated by the United Nations Human Rights Commission by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right of freedom of opinion in June 2011: “Given that the Internet has become an indispensable tool for realizing a range of human rights, combating inequality, and accelerating development and human progress, ensuring universal access to the Internet should be a priority for all States."

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  • CCHR Recalls the Link Between Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy

    CCHR Recalls the Link Between Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy

    Today, 15 September 2015, marks the occasion of the International Day of Democracy. On this day, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) wishes to recall the vital relation between civil society, respect for human rights and democracy. Today also marks the second anniversary of the death of Mao Sok Chan, who was killed by a bullet while protesting the results of the 2013 elections in Phnom Penh. His killer remained unidentified and was never brought to justice.

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  •  CCHR to Launch 15 New Community Profiles Highlighting Cambodia’s Land Disputes

    CCHR to Launch 15 New Community Profiles Highlighting Cambodia’s Land Disputes

    On 16 September 2015, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) will launch 15 new profiles in CCHR’s Land Activist Profile series. These text and photographic profiles showcase communities affected by the country’s volatile land conflicts. The profiles tell stories of harassment, intimidation and attacks, in attempts to force people from their land to make way for real estate, industrial and infrastructure development and the exploitation of Cambodia’s rich natural resources.

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  • ADHOC, CLEC and LICADHO call for the immediate release of 17 activists and observers in Koh Kong

    ADHOC, CLEC and LICADHO call for the immediate release of 17 activists and observers in Koh Kong

    ADHOC, LICADHO and CLEC are outraged by the detention of 17 protestors, NGO staff and media workers in Koh Kong’s provincial police station and call for their immediate release. The 17 were detained in the midst of a gathering calling for a solution to Chi Khor Krom community’s land conflict. The gathering involved 50 youths and land activists who had also participated in daily peaceful protests against the arrest and imprisonment of three activists from NGO Mother Nature since August 19.

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  • Families Threatened by Cambodia Railway Development Again Seek Justice from the Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism

    Families Threatened by Cambodia Railway Development Again Seek Justice from the Asian Development Bank’s Accountability Mechanism

    (August 31, 2015, Manila) - Families threatened by the Asian Development Bank- financed project to redevelop Cambodia’s railway have once again filed a complaint to the bank’s Compliance Review Panel about the controversial project. The Railway Rehabilitation Project has impacted approximately 18,000 people living alongside Cambodia’s 642-kilometers of dilapidated railway tracks. At least 1200 families, encompassing approximately 5160 people, were required to move to project-sponsored resettlement sites, while the rest were made to cut the portion of their land, houses and shops that lay within the 3.5 meter “corridor of impact” and allowed to remain in the residual railway right-of-way for at least five years.

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  •  CCHR calls for the end to all enforced disappearances and the proper investigation of Khem Sophath case

    CCHR calls for the end to all enforced disappearances and the proper investigation of Khem Sophath case

    Today, 30 August 2015, marks the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. On this day, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) calls on the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) to take positive steps towards ending the problem of enforced disappearances and launching a proper investigation into the disappearance of 16-year-old Khem Sophath, who was last seen on 3 January 2014, lying on Veng Sreng Street with an apparent gunshot wound to his chest.

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  • CCHR Urges Local Authorities to Respect Transgender Rights

    CCHR Urges Local Authorities to Respect Transgender Rights

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) is concerned in relation to a statement by Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district governor Kuch Chamroeun, in which he is reported to have used derogatory language to describe transgender people. CCHR reminds all public officials that transgender people deserve respect as full and equal members of Cambodian society, and urges local authorities to treat the transgender community as such.

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  • CCHR Open Letter Seeks Clarification Regarding Application of the LANGO to CBOs​ and Informal Groups

    CCHR Open Letter Seeks Clarification Regarding Application of the LANGO to CBOs​ and Informal Groups

    I am writing to request that you issue a statement of clarification regarding the application of the Law on Associations and Non-Governmantal Organizations (“LANGO”) to small community-based organizations (“CBOs”) and informal groups.

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  •  CCHR Open Letter Seeks Clarification Regarding Application of the LANGO to CBOs​ and Informal Groups

    CCHR Open Letter Seeks Clarification Regarding Application of the LANGO to CBOs​ and Informal Groups

    I am writing to request that you issue a statement of clarification regarding the application of the Law on Associations and Non-Governmantal Organizations (“LANGO”) to small community-based organizations (“CBOs”) and informal groups

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  • Letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council - Addressing the deteriorating human rights situation in Cambodia and ensuring that the United Nations retains its protection role and monitoring capacity in

    Letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council - Addressing the deteriorating human rights situation in Cambodia and ensuring that the United Nations retains its protection role and monitoring capacity in

    We urge your delegation to address the deteriorating human rights situation in Cambodia by supporting a resolution, at the 30th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (14 September2 October 2015), that highlights patterns of serious violations and calls on the Cambodian Government to put an end to such violation and to abide by its domestic and international legal obligations. The resolution should also extend the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia.

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  • CSOs Call for the Immediate Release of Opposition Senator

    CSOs Call for the Immediate Release of Opposition Senator

    On Sunday morning, Sam Rainsy Party (“SRP”) Senator Hong Sok Hour was sent to Prey Sar prison after being charged with forging public documents, using forged documents, and incitement to cause chaos in social order under Articles 629, 630, and 495 of the Penal Code, respectively.

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