• Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    I am about to complete my fifth human rights fact-finding mission to Cambodia. The present mission was an extension of my previous mission that took place in February this year. In addition to monitoring the situation of human rights in the country in general, I have focussed the present mission on the continuation of my examination of the role of parliament as part of my attempt to carry out an assessment of State institutions responsible for upholding people’s rights.

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  • Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    I am about to complete my fifth human rights fact-finding mission to Cambodia. The present mission was an extension of my previous mission that took place in February this year. In addition to monitoring the situation of human rights in the country in general, I have focussed the present mission on the continuation of my examination of the role of parliament as part of my attempt to carry out an assessment of State institutions responsible for upholding people’s rights.

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  • Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Professor Surya P. Subedi

    I am about to complete my fifth human rights fact-finding mission to Cambodia. The present mission was an extension of my previous mission that took place in February this year. In addition to monitoring the situation of human rights in the country in general, I have focussed the present mission on the continuation of my examination of the role of parliament as part of my attempt to carry out an assessment of State institutions responsible for upholding people’s rights.

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  • In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    HRTF urges the organisers of the Bayon Challenge to find an alternative venue for the football tournament planned to be held at Phnom Penh’s 7NG Field this weekend. The field sits on land that was illegally and violently seized from the Dey Krahorm community in 2009. If an alternative venue cannot be found, we call upon participating teams and sponsors to withdraw from the tournament.

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  • In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    HRTF urges the organisers of the Bayon Challenge to find an alternative venue for the football tournament planned to be held at Phnom Penh’s 7NG Field this weekend. The field sits on land that was illegally and violently seized from the Dey Krahorm community in 2009. If an alternative venue cannot be found, we call upon participating teams and sponsors to withdraw from the tournament.

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  • In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    HRTF urges the organisers of the Bayon Challenge to find an alternative venue for the football tournament planned to be held at Phnom Penh’s 7NG Field this weekend. The field sits on land that was illegally and violently seized from the Dey Krahorm community in 2009. If an alternative venue cannot be found, we call upon participating teams and sponsors to withdraw from the tournament.

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  • In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    In spirit of fair play, find alternative venue for the Bayon Challenge Football Tournament

    HRTF urges the organisers of the Bayon Challenge to find an alternative venue for the football tournament planned to be held at Phnom Penh’s 7NG Field this weekend. The field sits on land that was illegally and violently seized from the Dey Krahorm community in 2009. If an alternative venue cannot be found, we call upon participating teams and sponsors to withdraw from the tournament.

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  • Excessive Detention is a Violation of Children’s Rights

    Excessive Detention is a Violation of Children’s Rights

    While there is certainly much to celebrate, International Children’s Day also serves as an occasion to reflect on the challenges still facing children in Cambodia. Legal Aid of Cambodia would like to express its concern for the excessive detention of children in correctional centers.

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  • Excessive Detention is a Violation of Children’s Rights

    Excessive Detention is a Violation of Children’s Rights

    While there is certainly much to celebrate, International Children’s Day also serves as an occasion to reflect on the challenges still facing children in Cambodia. Legal Aid of Cambodia would like to express its concern for the excessive detention of children in correctional centers.

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  • International Special Rapporteurs for Free Expression Call for Internet Speech Rights

    International Special Rapporteurs for Free Expression Call for Internet Speech Rights

    The new declaration calls on national governments and other parties to respect freedom of expression in internet communications. It reminds governments that international human rights rules on freedom of expression apply to internet communications, and that it is necessary to develop tailored approaches which emphasises speech rather than simply applying traditional rules on media.

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  •  To mark International Children’s Day, CCHR urges Cambodia to reflect on the child victims of rape

    To mark International Children’s Day, CCHR urges Cambodia to reflect on the child victims of rape

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights in Cambodia, marks International Children’s Day,1 June 2011,by launching the findings of a study into rape cases in Cambodia on the Cambodian Human Rights Portal, www.sithi.org. The study presents information on all forms of rape committed throughout the Kingdom including, and of particular interest to International Children’s Day, those perpetrated against child victims.

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  • Freedom House Exposes World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

    Freedom House Exposes World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

    Freedom House today released Worst of the Worst 2011: The World’s Most Repressive Societies, its annual report identifying the world’s most flagrant human rights abusers, at a press conference during the 17th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

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