• Business and Human Rights: FIDH Calls on the International Community to Enhance Standards and Ensure Redress

    Business and Human Rights: FIDH Calls on the International Community to Enhance Standards and Ensure Redress

    Today, FIDH issued a briefing paper in which it calls on the international community to take urgent steps at national, regional and international levels to enhance standards and to ensure effective redress mechanisms are available for corporate-related human rights violations. The paper is based on five case studies, in Cambodia, Brazil, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

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  • LICADHO calls for more rehabilitation opportunities for female prisoners

    LICADHO calls for more rehabilitation opportunities for female prisoners

    March 8, 2014 - On International Women’s Day, LICADHO calls on prison​authorities to offer female prisoners, particularly female juvenile​prisoners, a broader range of rehabilitation opportunities to build​confidence and provide them with appropriate skills to find suitable​employment once released.

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  • On International Women’s Day, CCHR calls for renewed efforts to achieve gender equality in   Cambodia

    On International Women’s Day, CCHR calls for renewed efforts to achieve gender equality in Cambodia

    On the occasion of International Women’s Day, held every year on 8 March, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) calls for renewed efforts to end discrimination against women in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”) and for the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) to take concrete steps towards achieving gender equality. Although there has been some progress towards gender equality in Cambodia in recent years, with women playing an important and increasingly visible role as income providers and a driving force behind economic development, this progress has been undermined by the endurance of cultural norms that firmly place women at a lower status than men and perpetuate discrimination against women.

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  • Joint Open Letter from CCHR and CHRAC Regarding the Publication of Draft Legislations on the Judiciary

    Joint Open Letter from CCHR and CHRAC Regarding the Publication of Draft Legislations on the Judiciary

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) and the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) would like to welcome the recent commitment made by your administration to adopt fundamental legislations crucial to guarantee the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. In this respect, we respectfully urge you to immediately publicly release the full draft of the laws, to ensure sufficient time is provided for genuine, inclusive and meaningful participation in the drafting process.

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  • Cambodia: Deteriorating human rights situation calls for urgent EU action

    Cambodia: Deteriorating human rights situation calls for urgent EU action

    During its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2009, the Government of Cambodia took the extraordinary step of accepting all 91 recommendations to improve the human rights situation in the country. However, over the past four years the government has largely failed to live up to its commitments and those in power have continued to commit human rights abuses. Most recently, the government has displayed disdain for the UPR process by sending of a low-level delegation to the UPR second cycle in January 2014 and entering its own submission late.

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  • Women Make the News 2014

    Women Make the News 2014

    BANGKOK, 5 MARCH 2014 – Women in the media are grossly underrepresented in Asia-Pacific. According to the Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media, men occupy the vast majority of managerial and newsgathering positions in the region – barely 13% of senior management positions are occupied by women. Women’s salaries are generally lower than those of men doing the same work, they are often relegated to the “soft news ghetto”, and qualified female candidates are blocked in their upward mobility by factors such as institutionalized prejudices. Gender stereotyping in the media is further compounded by commercial advertising and the entertainment industry. This must change!

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    NEW YORK – Cambodia ranks 91st overall and last among 15 countries in the East Asia and Pacific region in overall rule of law performance, according to the World Justice Project’s WJP Rule of Law Index 2014. Denmark (Western Europe and North America), Uruguay (Latin America and the Caribbean), Botswana (Sub-Saharan Africa), New Zealand (East Asia and Pacific), Georgia (Eastern Europe and Central Asia), Sri Lanka (South Asia), and the United Arab Emirates (Middle East and North Africa) led in their respective regions.

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  • CCHR launches new Business and Human Rights Portal and releases updated data on garment  factories and supply chains in Cambodia

    CCHR launches new Business and Human Rights Portal and releases updated data on garment factories and supply chains in Cambodia

    The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) launches today – 28 February 2014 –a new Business and Human Rights Web Portal and releases updated data on garment factories and supply chains in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”). The Business and Human Rights Portal and the updated database on garment factories in Cambodia are available on CCHR’s award-winning Cambodian Human Rights Web Portal at www.sithi.org.

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  • CCIM to release final findings on National Election investigation

    CCIM to release final findings on National Election investigation

    The Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) will release its final findings on the 2013 National Elections during an open workshop at 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 28, at the Imperial Garden Villa & Hotel in Phnom Penh. The findings are the culmination of a one-year project funded by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and include information gathered from almost 700 citizens across Cambodia who participated in CCIM community forums.

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  • JOINT STATEMENT : The mob killing of a Vietnamese man

    JOINT STATEMENT : The mob killing of a Vietnamese man

    Pursuant to reports of the English editions of “The Phnom Penh Post” and “The Cambodia Daily” newspapers on the mob killing of a Vietnamese man in the wake of a traffic accident in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on 15 February 2014, we, the above human rights organizations, express our regret about the incident and our condolence to the family of the deceased. We wish his soul to rest in peace.

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  • Cambodia: Free 6 Randomly Arrested During Unrest  Security Forces Should Be Investigated for Attacks on Crowds

    Cambodia: Free 6 Randomly Arrested During Unrest Security Forces Should Be Investigated for Attacks on Crowds

    (New York) – The Cambodian authorities should drop charges and release a teenage boy and five young men against whom the prosecution presented no credible evidence of criminal activity at their hearing on February 17, 2014 at a Phnom Penh court. A verdict is scheduled for February 21.

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  • On World Day of Social Justice, Citizen Journalist Remains in Detention

    On World Day of Social Justice, Citizen Journalist Remains in Detention

    In Cambodia, the Day of Social Justice comes at a time where citizens, workers and activists alike are being denied their basic human rights, often under extremely violent circumstances. In December 2013, garment workers went on strike to demand a wage increase to $160 a month. On January 2-3, 2014, various armed forces staged a violent crackdown which led to the death of at least four workers and the arrest and pre-trial detention of 23 others. Today, 21 workers and activists remain detained, while those responsible for the killings have gone unpunished.

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